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Effect of Alkali Vapor Exposure on Ni-MgO/gamma-Al2O3/Cordierite Monolithic Catalyst for Biomass Fuel Gas Reforming
Li, Y. P.; Wang, T. J.; Wu, C. Z.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, X. H.; Wang, C. G.; Ding, M. Y.; Ma, L. L.
Contribution Rank[Li, Y. P.; Wang, T. J.; Wu, C. Z.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, X. H.; Wang, C. G.; Ding, M. Y.; Ma, L. L.] Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Key Lab Renewable Energy & Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
AbstractFly ash compounds, such as alkali salts, in the raw biomass fuel gas can contaminate and deposit on traditional granular Ni-based catalysts, which resulted in catalyst deactivation and pressure increase of the downstream reformer. The impact of alkali salt exposure (KCl, K2SO4, K2CO3, by evaporation at about 7.8 mg/L for 6 h) on dry CH4/CO2 reforming of model biomass fuel gas (H-2/CO/C2H4/CH4/CO2/N-2 = 15.8/12.1/2.51/ 15.0/22.1/32.6 vol %) over Ni-MgO/gamma-Al2O3/cordierite monolithic catalyst (MC) was investigated and studied. The results showed that CH4 and CO2 conversions and CO and H-2 yields increased at 700-850 degrees C for undeposited and deposited MC. Compared with undeposited MC, the deposited catalysts show lower CH4 conversion but higher CO2 conversion and CO yield at 750-830 degrees C. The stability tests also show that CH4 conversion and H-2 content in the tail gas decreased dramatically from 87.2% to 32.0% and from 35.1% to 26.7%, respectively, after 17 h time on stream (TOS) for the deposited MC, while CH, conversion kept steady of above 90% after 60 h TOS for undeposited MC at 750 degrees C. Characterization by N-2-physisorption, XRD, ICP-AES, SEM-EDS, and XPS of MC indicate that alkali salt aerosol covering the catalyst surface or blocking mesopore channels was the main reason for the decreased reforming performance and MC deactivation, which occurred mainly at the top part of monolithic catalyst (K = 1.39 wt % by EDS), vicinal to the alkali source. The reforming of real biomass fuel gas (H-2/CO/C2H4/CH4/CO2/N-2 = 10.2/16.8/0.5/6.4/15.2/51.0 vol %) from air gasification of pine sawdust in the pilot plant (200-250 kg/h) by the reformer packed with MCP, larger in size than MC, exhibits pressure drop of less than 700 Pa, CH4 conversion of about 84%, and tar content from 4.8-5.3 g/m(3) to 0.12-0.14 g/m(3) during 60 h TOS at 600 degrees C. The porosity structure of MCP catalytic bed and relatively low alkali (K, Na = 0.03-0.07 wt %) deposition by fly ash from real biomass fuel gas were the main reasons for the excellent reformer performance.
Other AbstractFly ash compounds, such as alkali salts, in the raw biomass fuel gas can contaminate and deposit on traditional granular Ni-based catalysts, which resulted in catalyst deactivation and pressure increase of the downstream reformer. The impact of alkali salt exposure (KCl, K2SO4, K2CO3, by evaporation at about 7.8 mg/L for 6 h) on dry CH4/CO2 reforming of model biomass fuel gas (H-2/CO/C2H4/CH4/CO2/N-2 = 15.8/12.1/2.51/ 15.0/22.1/32.6 vol %) over Ni-MgO/gamma-Al2O3/cordierite monolithic catalyst (MC) was investigated and studied. The results showed that CH4 and CO2 conversions and CO and H-2 yields increased at 700-850 degrees C for undeposited and deposited MC. Compared with undeposited MC, the deposited catalysts show lower CH4 conversion but higher CO2 conversion and CO yield at 750-830 degrees C. The stability tests also show that CH4 conversion and H-2 content in the tail gas decreased dramatically from 87.2% to 32.0% and from 35.1% to 26.7%, respectively, after 17 h time on stream (TOS) for the deposited MC, while CH, conversion kept steady of above 90% after 60 h TOS for undeposited MC at 750 degrees C. Characterization by N-2-physisorption, XRD, ICP-AES, SEM-EDS, and XPS of MC indicate that alkali salt aerosol covering the catalyst surface or blocking mesopore channels was the main reason for the decreased reforming performance and MC deactivation, which occurred mainly at the top part of monolithic catalyst (K = 1.39 wt % by EDS), vicinal to the alkali source. The reforming of real biomass fuel gas (H-2/CO/C2H4/CH4/CO2/N-2 = 10.2/16.8/0.5/6.4/15.2/51.0 vol %) from air gasification of pine sawdust in the pilot plant (200-250 kg/h) by the reformer packed with MCP, larger in size than MC, exhibits pressure drop of less than 700 Pa, CH4 conversion of about 84%, and tar content from 4.8-5.3 g/m(3) to 0.12-0.14 g/m(3) during 60 h TOS at 600 degrees C. The porosity structure of MCP catalytic bed and relatively low alkali (K, Na = 0.03-0.07 wt %) deposition by fly ash from real biomass fuel gas were the main reasons for the excellent reformer performance.
KeywordFluidized-beds Gasification Deactivation Performance Potassium Oxidation Reactor Salts
Subject AreaEngineering
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedEngineering
Indexed BySCI
Funding OrganizationMOST of China [2007CB210207]; National High Technology Research and Development Program of China [2007AA05Z416]; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province China [9451007006004086]
WOS SubjectEngineering, Chemical
WOS IDWOS:000276016100018
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Cited Times:26[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
AffiliationChinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Key Lab Renewable Energy & Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li, Y. P.,Wang, T. J.,Wu, C. Z.,et al. Effect of Alkali Vapor Exposure on Ni-MgO/gamma-Al2O3/Cordierite Monolithic Catalyst for Biomass Fuel Gas Reforming[J]. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2010,49(7):3176-3183.
APA Li, Y. P..,Wang, T. J..,Wu, C. Z..,Gao, Y..,Zhang, X. H..,...&Ma, L. L..(2010).Effect of Alkali Vapor Exposure on Ni-MgO/gamma-Al2O3/Cordierite Monolithic Catalyst for Biomass Fuel Gas Reforming.INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,49(7),3176-3183.
MLA Li, Y. P.,et al."Effect of Alkali Vapor Exposure on Ni-MgO/gamma-Al2O3/Cordierite Monolithic Catalyst for Biomass Fuel Gas Reforming".INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 49.7(2010):3176-3183.
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