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Alternative TitleExperimental Study on Formaldehyde form and emission characteristics of DME combustion
Thesis Advisor赵黛青
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Keyword二甲醚 燃烧 甲醛测量方法 甲醛排放
Abstract二甲醚是一种很有前景的替代燃料,其常规污染物排放很少,但燃烧后尾气排放中含有一定量的醛类有机污染物,本课题对二甲醚燃烧过程中甲醛生成和排放特性进行了实验研究。 本文在国标乙酰丙酮分光光度法的基础上进行改进,将其应用于燃烧火焰和尾气中甲醛浓度测量,并分析了该测量方法实际操作过程的主要干扰因素和相应解决办法。研究结果表明:甲醛是二甲醚燃烧过程的一个重要中间产物,在火焰面附近大量生成并迅速被消耗,局部浓度非常高。火焰中尾气存在一定浓度的甲醛,其浓度范围是同等条件下甲烷燃烧的10倍以上,故二甲醚燃烧过程甲醛的排放不容忽视;二甲醚燃烧过程中甲醛的生成受燃料当量比和火焰温度影响,欠氧预混合燃烧的甲醛生成显著高于富氧燃烧;燃料当量比一定时,燃料流量越大,火焰中甲醛浓度增多,尾部残留甲醛浓度也高。
Other AbstractDimethyl ether (DME) is a promising alternative fuel, and it is friendly to the environment because of it’s little emissions of conventional pollutants. But when combusted DME,it will produce the aldehydes which are toxic to human being and animals. Formaldehyde form and emission characteristics of DME combustion are experimentally investigated in this paper. Based on the GB acetyl acetone spectrophotometry technology, the method used to measure formaldehyde concentration of DME combustion exhaust gas is improved. By analyzing and controlling the important factors at key steps of this method, The experimental result indicated that formaldehyde was a very important intermediate product in DME flames, and it was generated and consumed near the flame front with very high concentration. the emission concentration of formaldehyde in the DME combustion process is over 10 times than that of methane. Therefore, formaldehyde emission in DME combustion process can not be ignored.Formaldehyde concentration increased when fuel equivalence ratio increased. At the same fuel equivalence ratio, higher flame temperature caused higher formaldehyde concentration.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
曾涛. 二甲醚燃烧过程中甲醛生成及排放特性的实验研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2007.
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