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Pool boiling heat transfer of ultra-light copper foam with open cells
Xu, Jinliang1; Ji, Xianbing1,2; Zhang, Wei1; Liu, Guohua1
AbstractHigh speed visualizations and thermal performance studies of pool boiling heat transfer on copper foam covers were performed at atmospheric pressure, with the heating surface area of 12.0 mm by 12.0 mm, using acetone as the working fluid. The foam covers have ppi (pores per inch) from 30 to 90, cover thickness from 2.0 to 5.0 mm, and porosity of 0.88 and 0.95. The surface superheats are from -20 to 190 K, and the heat fluxes reach 140 W/cm(2). The 30 and 60 ppi foam covers show the periodic single bubble generation and departure pattern at low surface superheats. With continuous increases in surface superheats, they show the periodic bubble coalescence and/or re-coalescence pattern. Cage bubbles were observed to be those with liquid filled inside and vented to the pool liquid. For the 90 ppi foam covers, the bubble coalescence takes place at low surface superheats. At moderate or large surface superheats, vapor fragments continuously escape to the pool liquid.
Other AbstractHigh speed visualizations and thermal performance studies of pool boiling heat transfer on copper foam covers were performed at atmospheric pressure, with the heating surface area of 12.0 mm by 12.0 mm, using acetone as the working fluid. The foam covers have ppi (pores per inch) from 30 to 90, cover thickness from 2.0 to 5.0 mm, and porosity of 0.88 and 0.95. The surface superheats are from -20 to 190 K, and the heat fluxes reach 140 W/cm(2). The 30 and 60 ppi foam covers show the periodic single bubble generation and departure pattern at low surface superheats. With continuous increases in surface superheats, they show the periodic bubble coalescence and/or re-coalescence pattern. Cage bubbles were observed to be those with liquid filled inside and vented to the pool liquid. For the 90 ppi foam covers, the bubble coalescence takes place at low surface superheats. At moderate or large surface superheats, vapor fragments continuously escape to the pool liquid. Boiling curves of copper foams show three distinct regions. Region I and II are those of natural convection heat transfer, and nucleate boiling heat transfer for all the foam covers. Region III is that of either a resistance to vapor release for the 30 and 60 ppi foam covers, or a capillary-assist liquid flow towards foam cells for the 90 ppi foam covers. The value of ppi has an important effect on the thermal performance. Boiling curves are crossed between the high and low ppi foam covers. Low ppi foams have better thermal performance at low surface superheats, but high ppi foams have better one at moderate or large surface superheats and extend the operation range of surface superheats. The effects of other factors such as pool liquid temperature, foam cover thickness on the thermal performance are also discussed.
KeywordCopper Foam Pool Boiling Boiling Pattern Cage Bubble Boiling Curve
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedMechanics
Indexed BySCI
Funding OrganizationNational Basic Research Program [2006CB601203]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [50776089]
WOS SubjectMechanics
WOS IDWOS:000261010200002
Citation statistics
Cited Times:131[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Microenergy Syst Lab, Key Lab Renewable & Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Grad Sch, Beijing 100080, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu, Jinliang,Ji, Xianbing,Zhang, Wei,et al. Pool boiling heat transfer of ultra-light copper foam with open cells[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW,2008,34(11):1008-1022.
APA Xu, Jinliang,Ji, Xianbing,Zhang, Wei,&Liu, Guohua.(2008).Pool boiling heat transfer of ultra-light copper foam with open cells.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW,34(11),1008-1022.
MLA Xu, Jinliang,et al."Pool boiling heat transfer of ultra-light copper foam with open cells".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW 34.11(2008):1008-1022.
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