Selective (ligno) cellulose hydrogenolysis to ethylene glycol and propyl monophenolics over Ni-W@C catalysts
Wang, Haiyong1,2,3; Hu, Xiaohong1,2,3,4; Liu, Siwei1,2,3,4; Cai, Chiliu1,2,3; Zhu, Changhui1,2,3,4; Xin, Haosheng1,2,3,4; Xiu, Zhongxun1,2,3,4; Wang, Chenguang1,2,3; Liu, Qiying1,2,3,5; Zhang, Qi1,2,3; Zhang, Xinghua1,2,3; Ma, Longlong1,2,3
Source PublicationCELLULOSE
Corresponding AuthorLiu, Qiying( ; Ma, Longlong(
AbstractThe bi-functional Ni-W@C catalysts were prepared by one-pot reduction-carbonization method and used in hydrogenolysis of cellulose as well as raw lignocellulosic biomass to chemicals. The catalytic performance for cellulose conversion showed that it was more favorable for ethylene glycol (EG) production, obtaining the highest EG yield 60.1% over the Ni-W@C(700)catalyst. The Ni-W@C bimetallic catalysts are systematically characterized with BET, XRD, Raman, XPS, TEM techniques and experiments to probe the active catalytic sites of the catalysts. The effects of calcination temperature of Ni-W catalysts, reaction time, temperature and H(2)pressure on cellulose hydrogenolysis were investigated in detail. The Ni particles could lead to produce more W(5+)active sites, which promotes the glucose retro-aldol condensation to break the target C-C bonds. Metallic Ni catalyzed C=O hydrogenation and C-C hydrogenolysis, which could also avoid the coke formation. The EG selectivity was dependent on the synergy of WO(x)and Ni metal sites. In addition, this synergistic effect between the metal and WO(x)could promote lignin component degradation in direct conversion of untreated raw lignocellulosic biomass, obtaining the propyl monophenolics including guaiacylpropane, syringylpropane and p-n-propylphenol with a total yield of 17.3 wt% besides EG.
KeywordLignocellulose Integrated hydrogenolysis Ethylene glycol Propyl monophenolics Ni-W@C
Indexed BySCI
Funding ProjectNational Key R&D Program of China[2018YFB1501402] ; National Natural Science Foundation of China[51596220] ; National Natural Science Foundation of China[51536009] ; DNL Cooperation Fund, CAS[DNL180302] ; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province[2017A030308010] ; Transformational Technologies for Clean Energy and Demonstration, Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science[XDA21060102] ; Local Innovative and Research Teams Project of Guangdong Pearl River Talents Program[2017BT01N092]
WOS Research AreaMaterials Science ; Polymer Science
Funding OrganizationNational Key R&D Program of China ; National Natural Science Foundation of China ; DNL Cooperation Fund, CAS ; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province ; Transformational Technologies for Clean Energy and Demonstration, Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science ; Local Innovative and Research Teams Project of Guangdong Pearl River Talents Program
WOS SubjectMaterials Science, Paper & Wood ; Materials Science, Textiles ; Polymer Science
WOS IDWOS:000547353700001
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Cited Times:18[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorLiu, Qiying; Ma, Longlong
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.CAS Key Lab Renewable Energy, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Guangdong Key Lab New & Renewable Energy Res & De, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
4.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
5.Dalian Natl Lab Clean Energy, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang, Haiyong,Hu, Xiaohong,Liu, Siwei,et al. Selective (ligno) cellulose hydrogenolysis to ethylene glycol and propyl monophenolics over Ni-W@C catalysts[J]. CELLULOSE,2020:15.
APA Wang, Haiyong.,Hu, Xiaohong.,Liu, Siwei.,Cai, Chiliu.,Zhu, Changhui.,...&Ma, Longlong.(2020).Selective (ligno) cellulose hydrogenolysis to ethylene glycol and propyl monophenolics over Ni-W@C catalysts.CELLULOSE,15.
MLA Wang, Haiyong,et al."Selective (ligno) cellulose hydrogenolysis to ethylene glycol and propyl monophenolics over Ni-W@C catalysts".CELLULOSE (2020):15.
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