Experimental investigation on ignition and combustion characteristics of n-butane/air mixtures by glow plug in miniature chamber
Zhou, Guangzhao1,2; Jiang, Liqiao1,3,4; Gu, Cheng1; Wang, Xiaohan1; Yang, Weibin1; Zhao, Daiqing1,2
Source PublicationFUEL
Corresponding AuthorJiang, Liqiao( ; Zhao, Daiqing(
AbstractThe aim of this work is to understand the ignition and combustion behaviors of n-butane/air mixtures under glow plug ignition in the start-up condition of miniature IC engines. We utilized a centimeter-scale constant-volume chamber setup to investigate the effects of glow plug heating power, equivalence ratio, and initial pressure on the characteristics of ignition and flame propagation of n-butane/air mixtures. Results indicated that the ignition time and ignition temperature decrease as the heating power increases and the flame propagation time is weakly sensitive to that. Increasing the initial pressure can reduce the ignition time, decrease the ignition temperature and slow flame propagation; except for the flammable limit, the ignition time and ignition temperature increase as the equivalence ratio increases, in addition, the flame propagation is fastest at phi = 1.2. Furthermore, an obvious two-stage combustion phenomenon was observed under fuel-rich flame propagation conditions. Overall, the order of influencing factors on the ignition characteristics shows heating power > initial pressure > equivalence ratio, and that on the flame propagation characteristics shows equivalence ratio > initial pressure > heating power in present experimental conditions.
KeywordGlow plug ignition n-Butane Miniature chamber Ignition and flame propagation
Indexed BySCI
Funding ProjectNational Key Basic Research Program of China (973 program)[2014CB239600] ; National Key R&D Program of China[2016YFE0127500]
WOS Research AreaEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering
Funding OrganizationNational Key Basic Research Program of China (973 program) ; National Key R&D Program of China
WOS SubjectEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering, Chemical
WOS IDWOS:000530710600006
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Cited Times:9[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorJiang, Liqiao; Zhao, Daiqing
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.Univ Sci & Technol China, Dept Thermal Sci & Energy Engn, Hefei 230027, Peoples R China
3.Guangdong Prov Key Lab New & Renewable Energy, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
4.CAS Key Lab Renewable Energy, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
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GB/T 7714
Zhou, Guangzhao,Jiang, Liqiao,Gu, Cheng,et al. Experimental investigation on ignition and combustion characteristics of n-butane/air mixtures by glow plug in miniature chamber[J]. FUEL,2020,274:10.
APA Zhou, Guangzhao,Jiang, Liqiao,Gu, Cheng,Wang, Xiaohan,Yang, Weibin,&Zhao, Daiqing.(2020).Experimental investigation on ignition and combustion characteristics of n-butane/air mixtures by glow plug in miniature chamber.FUEL,274,10.
MLA Zhou, Guangzhao,et al."Experimental investigation on ignition and combustion characteristics of n-butane/air mixtures by glow plug in miniature chamber".FUEL 274(2020):10.
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