Synthesis and Configurational Character Study of Novel Structural Isomers Based on Pyrene-Imidazole
Liu, Yu-Long1,2; Yang, Liu1; Guo, You-Quan3; Xu, Guo-Qiang1; Qu, Bin1,2; Fu, Ying1
Source PublicationMOLECULES
Corresponding AuthorFu, Ying(
AbstractIsomers provide more possibilities for the structure of organic compounds. Molecular structures determine their corresponding properties, therefore the intrinsic relationship between structure and properties of isomers is of great research value. Isomers with a stable structure and excellent performance possess more potential for development and application. In this paper, we design and synthesize structural isomers with different molecular symmetries based on the asymmetric structure of imidazole and the symmetrical structure of pyrene. Isomers with stable molecular structures can be obtained by a simple and efficient one-pot reaction, involving axisymmetric configuration and centrosymmetric configuration. Using this click-like reaction, the structure of target molecules is controllable and adjustable. Furthermore, the effect of molecular configurations on molecular stacking of crystal is studied. The variation of the optical and thermal properties, the optimized structures, and orbital distributions of isomers depends on different molecular geometry with different symmetry, which are revealed by crystallographic analysis. This present strategy provides an efficient synthetic method for the design and synthesis of structural isomers based on pyrene-imidazole.
Keywordone-pot reaction pyrene-imidazole structural isomer molecular symmetry crystal structure
Indexed BySCI
Funding ProjectNatural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province[LH2019B002] ; Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province[LBH-Z17014] ; CAS Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy[Y907k71001]
WOS Research AreaBiochemistry & Molecular Biology ; Chemistry
Funding OrganizationNatural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province ; Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province ; CAS Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy
WOS SubjectBiochemistry & Molecular Biology ; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
WOS IDWOS:000473816900099
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Cited Times:5[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorFu, Ying
Affiliation1.Northeast Agr Univ, Coll Sci, Dept Appl Chem, Harbin 150030, Heilongjiang, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Key Lab Renewable Energy, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
3.Heilongjiang Vocat Coll Biol Sci & Technol, Harbin 150025, Heilongjiang, Peoples R China
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Liu, Yu-Long,Yang, Liu,Guo, You-Quan,et al. Synthesis and Configurational Character Study of Novel Structural Isomers Based on Pyrene-Imidazole[J]. MOLECULES,2019,24(12):11.
APA Liu, Yu-Long,Yang, Liu,Guo, You-Quan,Xu, Guo-Qiang,Qu, Bin,&Fu, Ying.(2019).Synthesis and Configurational Character Study of Novel Structural Isomers Based on Pyrene-Imidazole.MOLECULES,24(12),11.
MLA Liu, Yu-Long,et al."Synthesis and Configurational Character Study of Novel Structural Isomers Based on Pyrene-Imidazole".MOLECULES 24.12(2019):11.
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