Enhancing ignition and combustion characteristics of micron-sized aluminum powder in steam by adding sodium fluoride
Zhu, Baozhong1,2; Li, Fan2,3; Sun, Yunlan1,2; Wu, Yuxin2; Shi, Wei2; Han, Weikang2; Wang, Qichang2; Wang, Qi2
Corresponding AuthorSun, Yunlan(
AbstractMicron-sized aluminum powder exhibits difficulties in ignition and burnout in steam. To overcome these problems, we added various sodium fluoride contents to micron-sized aluminum powder in steam at 800, 900, and 1000 degrees C to assess their effects on ignition and combustion performances. The ignition delay times, ignition temperatures, and combustion characteristics of all samples were measured primarily using two high-temperature tube resistance electric furnace systems. The experiments showed that adding sodium fluoride to micron-sized aluminum powder decreases its ignition delay time and temperature. Moreover, the ignition delay time and temperature of aluminum powder with addition of sodium fluoride decreases considerably when the temperature increases. For this study, the components and morphology of solid combustion products were obtained using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The combustion efficiency was measured volumetrically using a specially designed apparatus. The obtained combustion efficiency was found to increase with the amount of sodium fluoride added and increase in the temperature. The relationship among the parameters related to combustion characteristics and product characterization was examined in detail to reveal the combustion mechanism. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Combustion Institute.
KeywordCombustion characteristics Micron-sized aluminum Steam Sodium fluoride
Indexed BySCI
Funding ProjectNational Natural Science Foundation of China[51376007] ; National Natural Science Foundation of China[51676001] ; National Natural Science Foundation of China[51206001] ; Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation[1608085ME104] ; Key Projects of Anhui Province University Outstanding Youth Talent[gxyqZD2016074] ; Key Projects of Anhui Province University Outstanding Youth Talent[gxyqZD2017038] ; Funding Projects of Back up Candidates[2017H131]
WOS Research AreaThermodynamics ; Energy & Fuels ; Engineering
Funding OrganizationNational Natural Science Foundation of China ; Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation ; Key Projects of Anhui Province University Outstanding Youth Talent ; Funding Projects of Back up Candidates
WOS SubjectThermodynamics ; Energy & Fuels ; Engineering, Multidisciplinary ; Engineering, Chemical ; Engineering, Mechanical
WOS IDWOS:000471742000008
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Cited Times:26[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorSun, Yunlan
Affiliation1.Changzhou Univ, Sch Petr Engn, Changzhou 213164, Jiangsu, Peoples R China
2.Anhui Univ Technol, Sch Energy & Environm, Maanshan 243002, Anhui, Peoples R China
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Zhu, Baozhong,Li, Fan,Sun, Yunlan,et al. Enhancing ignition and combustion characteristics of micron-sized aluminum powder in steam by adding sodium fluoride[J]. COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2019,205:68-79.
APA Zhu, Baozhong.,Li, Fan.,Sun, Yunlan.,Wu, Yuxin.,Shi, Wei.,...&Wang, Qi.(2019).Enhancing ignition and combustion characteristics of micron-sized aluminum powder in steam by adding sodium fluoride.COMBUSTION AND FLAME,205,68-79.
MLA Zhu, Baozhong,et al."Enhancing ignition and combustion characteristics of micron-sized aluminum powder in steam by adding sodium fluoride".COMBUSTION AND FLAME 205(2019):68-79.
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