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Alternative TitleCharacteristics of NOx precursors and their formation mechanism during pyrolysis of herb residues
詹昊1,2; 阴秀丽1; 黄艳琴1; 张晓鸿1,2; 袁洪友1; 谢建军1; 吴创之1
Source Publication燃料化学学报
Other AbstractBased on two herb residues-herbal tea waste (HTW) and penicillin mycelial waste (PMW), characteristics of NOx precursors during their pyrolysis were investigated in a horizontal tubular reactor with the help of XPS and TGA technologies.Effects of thermal conditions and physicochemical properties of fuels were discussed and compared.The results demonstrate that protein-N is the main nitrogen form for both HTW and PMW, determining the dominance of NH3 among NOx precursors at any operational conditions.Thermal conditions would still change the ratio and total yield by intrinsically influencing their formation pathways.Subsequently, the effects could be sequenced as follows: high temperatures with rapid pyrolysis 〉 high temperatures with slow pyrolysis 〉 low temperatures with rapid pyrolysis ≈ low temperatures with slow pyrolysis.Moreover, at high temperatures with rapid pyrolysis, increase in particle size or decrease in moisture content would result in reduction of total yield by 5%-11% and 4%-6%, respectively.In addition, NH3 yield is produced at low temperatures or slow pyrolysis with sequence of PMW 〉 HTW and vice versa, depending on components in the fuels.Consequently, analyses on nitrogen forms in char and nitrogen distribution indicate that total yield of 20%-45% is observed to be independent of fuel type under typical pyrolysis conditions, which may provide helpful guidance for the clean reutilization of herb residues.
Keyword凉茶药渣 青霉素药渣 NOx前驱物 热解 NH3 总产率 HTW PMW NOx precursors pyrolysis total yield
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author吴创之
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
詹昊,阴秀丽,黄艳琴,等. 药渣热解过程NOx前驱物生成特征及规律研究[J]. 燃料化学学报,2017,45(3):279-288.
APA 詹昊.,阴秀丽.,黄艳琴.,张晓鸿.,袁洪友.,...&吴创之.(2017).药渣热解过程NOx前驱物生成特征及规律研究.燃料化学学报,45(3),279-288.
MLA 詹昊,et al."药渣热解过程NOx前驱物生成特征及规律研究".燃料化学学报 45.3(2017):279-288.
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