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Alternative TitlePyrolysis and Kinetics Analysis of Wheat Straw Enzymolysis Residue
赖喜锐1,2; 黄艳琴1; 周肇秋1; 阴秀丽1; 吴创之1
Source Publication新能源进展
AbstractThe physicochemical characteristics of wheat straw and its enzymolysis residue were analyzed, and then the pyrolysis behavior of the residue was investigated with TG-FTIR. Kinetic parameters were calculated based on a mixed reaction model. Analyses illust
Other Abstract对比分析了麦秆及其酶解残渣的基础物化特性,利用热重-红外联用技术研究了酶解残渣的热解反应过程及其主要气体产物的析出特性,并用混合反应模型计算了酶解残渣热解过程的表观动力学参数。结果表明,麦秆酶解残渣是一种富含木质素的高灰分、低热值的生物质原料,与麦秆原料相比,其热解过程相对平缓,主要失重温度区间为200℃~800℃,最大失重峰为350℃,与木质素的热解特性相近;提高升温速率可以使酶解残渣热解反应剩余产物质量明显减少,最大失重速率提高;热解主要气体产物中CH4析出的温度区间为400℃~700℃,CO和CO,
Keyword麦秆 酶解残渣 热解 热重-红外联用
Funding Organization国家自然科学基金(51176194);“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAA09B03);广东省战略新兴产业项目(2012A032300019)
Document Type期刊论文
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
赖喜锐,黄艳琴,周肇秋,等. 麦秆酶解残渣热解特性及动力学分析[J]. 新能源进展,2015(2):88-92.
APA 赖喜锐,黄艳琴,周肇秋,阴秀丽,&吴创之.(2015).麦秆酶解残渣热解特性及动力学分析.新能源进展(2),88-92.
MLA 赖喜锐,et al."麦秆酶解残渣热解特性及动力学分析".新能源进展 .2(2015):88-92.
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