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Particulate matters emitted from maize straw burning for winter heating in rural areas in Guanzhong Plain, China: Current emission and future reduction
Sun, Jian1,2; Shen, Zhenxing1,2; Cao, Junji2; Zhang, Leiming3; Wu, Tingting1; Zhang, Qian1; Yin, Xiuli4; Lei, Yali1; Huang, Yu2; Huang, R-J2; Liu, Suixin2; Han, Yongming2; Xu, Hongmei1; Zheng, Chunli1; Liu, Pingping1
AbstractMaize straw smoldering in "Heated Kang" is the traditional way for heating in winter in rural areas of Guanzhong Plain. This smolder procedure produced large quantities of pollutants and got more and more concern from both public and researchers. In this study, on-site measurements of straw smoldering in a residence with a Chinese 'Heated Kang' (Scenario 1) were done to determine the emissions factors (EFs) for pollutants. Moreover, EFs of pollutants from an advanced stove fired with maize straw (Scenario 2) and maize-straw pellet (Scenario 3) had been conducted in a laboratory to find the new measure to reduce the pollution emissions. The results showed that the EFs of PM2.5 for three scenarios were 38.26 +/- 13.94, 1750 8.29 and 2.95 +/- 0.71, respectively. Comparing EFs of pollutants from 3 scenarios indicates that both briquetting of straw and advanced stove with air distribution system could efficiently reduce pollutants emission especially for Scenario 3. In detail, EFs of PM2.5, OC, EC and water soluble ions all have over 90% reduction between Scenarios 1 and 3. All particle-size distributions were unimodal, and all peaked in particle sizes <0.47 pm. The EFs for K+ and Cl- were the highest of cations and anions for the majority of size groups. Converting to pellets and advanced stoves for residential heating could reduce PM2.5 emission from 483 Gg to 3.59 Gg, OC from 19.0 Gg to 0.91 Gg, EC from 1.7 Gg to 0.17 Gg and over 90% reduction on total water soluble ions in the whole region. A box model simulation for the Guanzhong Plain indicated that this conversion would lead to a 7.7% reduction in PM2.5 (from 130 to 120 mu g.m(-3)) in normal conditions and a 14.2% reduction (from 350 to 300 mu g.m(-3)) in hazy conditions. The results highlighted that the straw pellets burning in advanced stove can effectively reduce pollutants emitted and improve the energy use efficiency in comparison with maize straw smoldering in "Heated Kang". The study supplies an effective measure to reduce the rural biomass burning emission, and this method can be used in not only Guanzhong Plain but also other undeveloped areas in the future. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
KeywordResidential Heating Maize Straw Particulate Matter Emission Factors
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences
WOS Subject ExtendedMeteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
Indexed BySCI
Funding OrganizationNatural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China(2016ZDJC-22) ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(41573101) ; Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology(2013FY112700) ; Fundamental Research Funding for Central Universities in China(xkjc2015002) ; Key Lab of Aerosol Chemistry & Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KLACP201501)
WOS SubjectMeteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
WOS IDWOS:000390499100007
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Cited Times:108[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Environm Sci & Engn, Xian 710049, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Earth Environm, Key Lab Aerosol Chem & Phys, Xian 710049, Peoples R China
3.Environm & Climate Change Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Air Qual Res Div, Toronto, ON, Canada
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Sun, Jian,Shen, Zhenxing,Cao, Junji,et al. Particulate matters emitted from maize straw burning for winter heating in rural areas in Guanzhong Plain, China: Current emission and future reduction[J]. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,2017,184:66-76.
APA Sun, Jian.,Shen, Zhenxing.,Cao, Junji.,Zhang, Leiming.,Wu, Tingting.,...&Liu, Pingping.(2017).Particulate matters emitted from maize straw burning for winter heating in rural areas in Guanzhong Plain, China: Current emission and future reduction.ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,184,66-76.
MLA Sun, Jian,et al."Particulate matters emitted from maize straw burning for winter heating in rural areas in Guanzhong Plain, China: Current emission and future reduction".ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 184(2017):66-76.
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