GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Hot-brine Injection for the Dissociation of Natural Gas Hydrates
Li, S.1,2; Zhang, L.2; Jiang, X.3; Li, X.1
AbstractA new one-dimensional experimental system for natural gas hydrate (NGH) exploitation is designed, which is used to study the formation and dissociation processes of NGH. NGH is formed in the sand-packing tube, and then hot-brine is injected into the tube to study the thermal dissociation characteristics. The injection parameters that influence gas production rate and energy efficiency are analyzed. The results show that the higher the injection temperature and injection rate are, the higher the gas production rate is. In addition, the most sensitive parameter, which influences the energy efficiency of thermal stimulation is the hot-brine temperature, followed by the hot-brine injection rate and injection time. This study provides an experimental basis for further study on NGH exploitation in the future.
KeywordEnergy Efficiency Gas Production Rate Natural Gas Hydrate Thermal Dissociation Of Ngh
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering, Chemical ; Engineering, Petroleum
WOS IDWOS:000319553000002
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Cited Times:8[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Renewable Energy & Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Peoples R China
2.China Univ Petr East China, Dept Petr Engn, Qingdao, Shandong, Peoples R China
3.Geol Sci Res Inst Shengli Oilfield, Dongying 257100, Shandong, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li, S.,Zhang, L.,Jiang, X.,et al. Hot-brine Injection for the Dissociation of Natural Gas Hydrates[J]. PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2013,31(13):1320-1326.
APA Li, S.,Zhang, L.,Jiang, X.,&Li, X..(2013).Hot-brine Injection for the Dissociation of Natural Gas Hydrates.PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,31(13),1320-1326.
MLA Li, S.,et al."Hot-brine Injection for the Dissociation of Natural Gas Hydrates".PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 31.13(2013):1320-1326.
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