GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
李宗楠; 吴青
Source Publication太阳能学报
Corresponding Author中国科学院广州能源研究所
AbstractThe 385m2 solar still which Produces fresh water 1T/day in Wu Zhi Island and the 50m2 Solar still which produces fresh water 0.2T/day in Zhung Jian Island are recommended in brief The future development of using solar energy for sea water conversion in the region of South China Sea is described. A method for calculating the efficiency of solar still and a view of using performance curves for rating thermal performance of solar stills are presented. Through the experiments of two solar stills with low thermal inertia it is considered that the material of basin and the depth of salt water are the main design factors which influence the thermal inertia of the still and that the degree of sealing wind velosity and the insulation of the basin are the main factors which influence heat losses of solar still. The degrees of influence of these factors is explained in terms of experimental data.
Other Abstract本文简要地介绍了蜈蚑洲岛385米~2、日产淡水1吨及中建岛50米~2、日产淡水0.2吨的海水淡化装置。论述了在我国南海地区推广利用太阳能海水淡化是有前途的。讨论了计算蒸馏器热效率的方法,提出用蒸馏器性能曲线评价蒸馏器的热工性能。通过对两个热惯量小的蒸馏器的实验,认为盛水盆材料及水层深度是影响蒸馏器热惯量的主要设计因素;而密封度、风速及盛水盆的保温是影响蒸馏器热损失的主要因素,并用实验数据说明了这些因素影响的程度。
Keyword太阳能蒸馏器 产水量 顶棚 水盆 热惯量 咸水 层深 淡水槽 海水淡化装置 风速
Document Type期刊论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
李宗楠,吴青. 太阳能蒸馏器[J]. 太阳能学报,1980(1).
APA 李宗楠,&吴青.(1980).太阳能蒸馏器.太阳能学报(1).
MLA 李宗楠,et al."太阳能蒸馏器".太阳能学报 .1(1980).
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