GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Alternative TitleResearch on the properties of hydrogen production from the aqueous phase of biomass fast pyrolysis oil
Thesis Advisor王铁军
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Keyword生物油 水蒸气重整 氢气 固定床反应器 两段式固定床反应器
Abstract全球化石燃料的消耗和日益增长的能源需求造成的环境污染使生物质能源逐渐成为能源研究的热点。生物质作为能源消耗时,产生的CO2会被植物等量的吸收,因此CO2为零排放。另外,与化石燃料相比,生物质含硫、氮较少,因而是一种清洁的能源。我国生物质资源十分丰富,生物质能源的开发和利用对于我国的能源安全有重要的意义。氢气是一种重要的化工原料,而且还是一种可以用于燃料电池和内燃机的清洁燃料。生物油的催化重整是有前途的制氢技术之一。本文主要对自制生物油的水相重整特性进行了研究。作者对生物油水相在固定床上的催化重整制氢特性进行了评价;设计了两段式固定床反应器,探索了生物油水相在两段式固定床反应器上的催化重整制氢特性。并取得较高的催化重整效果。 首先利用催化剂Z204在固定床上对生物油水相重整制氢的特性进行评价。实验结果表明温度是影响生物油水相重整制氢的重要因素,反应温度750℃,还原时间为1h为最佳H2产出条件,在此条件下反应30min后H2产率达到42%,随后略有下降,在约540min内基本保持在35%左右。 固定床反应器中反应器阻力增大问题是由积碳和含有Fe,Ca,Al等无机元素的灰分组成的碳渣引起的。为了阻止不可挥发组分在催化剂和反应器内形成碳渣,设计了两段式固定床以提高催化重整效果。并对两段式固定床反应器上生物油水相重整制氢反应的特性进行了评价。研究发现,两段式反应器上生物油水相重整制氢的H2收率高于相同条件下固定床反应器的情况;并且在两段式反应器上催化剂活性保持较好;两段式反应器可以有效的避免出现反应器内部阻力的增大。 综合生物油两段式固定床冷凝相中检测出了的六种主要物质和生物油水相中检测出含量较多的物质,对生物油水相重整制氢可能发生的反应进行探讨,发现生物油水相重整可能主要包括水相中可挥发份在催化剂作用下的高温热解、甲烷催化重整反应和水煤气变化反应等。
Other AbstractConcerns about the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and the pollution caused by continuously increasing energy demands in the world make biomass an attractive alternative energy source. In the case that biomass is utilized to as an energy resource, the emission of carbon dioxide caused by its use is absorbed by newly grown biomass and this is called as carbon-neutral. Moreover, for the negligible sulfur, nitrogen and metal contents comparing with fossil fuels, biomass is a clean energy source. In China, there is abundance of biomass. Therefore the development and utilization of biomass energy is significative to the energy security of China. Hydrogen is not only an important resource for chemical industry, but also a clean fuel for fuel cell and combustion engine. Catalytic reforming from biomass pyrolytic oil is one of the most promising methods for hydrogen production. In this thesis, we mainly evaluated the performance of hydrogen production from reforming bio-oil aqueous phase over Z2O4 catalyst; we also designed Two-stage Fixed Bed Reactor, and therefore investigate the performance of hydrogen production from catalytic reforming bio-oil aqueous phase on this reactor. The results of catalytic reforming abtained on Two-stage Fixed Bed Reactor were better. First of all, the performance of hydrogen production from reforming of bio-oil aqueous phase over Z2O4 catalyst was evaluated. The results showed that the temperature was the main factor for hydrogen production from reforming bio-oil aqueous phase. In our experiment, reaction temperature at 750℃, reduction time at 1 hour was the best condition for hydrogen production, under which H2 yield reaches 42% after 30 min, and keeps about 35% for the next 540min. The resistance increase in the reaction chamber is due to the carbon deposit and the inorganic ash composed of Fe, Ca, Al. To prevent carbon residue formation on catalyst and reactor wall from non-volatile fraction, we designed Two-stage Fixed Bed Reactor to enhance the catalyst reforming results, whose performance of hydrogen production from reforming bio-oil aqueous phase was evaluated too. We discovered that the productive rate of hydrogen on Two-stage Fixed Bed Reactor was higher than the case on the normal Fixed Bed Reactor under the same condition and the stability of catalyst in Two-stage Fixed Bed Reactor was better as expected. Therefore, Two-stage Fixed Bed Reactor was better in optimizing the catalyst and preventing the resistance increase of the reactor. We discussed the possible reactions in the hydrogen production from reforming bio-oil aqueous phase based on the six most components detected in the condensed products from Two-stage Fixed Bed reactor and the majority components in bio-oil aqueous phase. Our conclusion is that the reactions in reforming bio-oil aqueous phase are mostly the catalytic pyrolysis of volatile fraction, the catalytic reform of methane and the shift-conversion of steam
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
汪璐. 生物质快速热解油水相重整制氢特性研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2008.
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