GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Alternative TitleExperimental Study on Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Gas from Biomass Gasification
Thesis Advisor马隆龙
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Keyword生物质气化气 内燃机 空燃比 点火提前角 Avl Boost软件
Abstract随着世界范围内内燃机保有量快速的增长,全球石油资源的过度开发,燃油供需矛盾日益加剧,开发燃油替代能源迫在眉睫。我国具有丰富的燃气资源,燃气作为内燃机的代用燃料是一种理想的能源。燃气内燃机的开发,不仅能充分利用现有的能源、缓解石油短缺的压力,还能向电力紧缺的地区供电,在分布式能源发电领域发挥其优势。 本论文简要地阐述了国内外燃气内燃机的现状和发展趋势,主要技术问题以及研发燃气内燃机的意义。对于生物质气化气的特性对内燃机的影响,从气化气成分、燃烧特性、热值以及气化气中杂质几方面进行了深入分析。对实际工程应用中8300型生物质气化气内燃机出现的气门弹簧频繁断裂现象进行了分析,通过对配气机构研究发现,气门加速度突变是导致气门弹簧断裂的主要原因。针对原配气凸轮的缺陷,设计了一种全新的高次方凸轮来满足生物质气化气内燃机的要求。中国科学院广州能源研究所在“国家高技术发展计划”(‘863’计划)支持下,开展了5MWe生物质气化-蒸汽整体联合循环发电示范工程研究,对示范工程中应用的燃气内燃机在不同负荷下的燃气消耗率、排气温度、最大爆发压力以及烟度、NOx,CO,HC的排放特性进行了试验研究。试验发现,气化气热值低、大量阻燃成分的存在是导致燃气内燃机经济性、动力性降低的主要原因,采用合适的空燃比、加强缸内气体流动、对尾气进行催化还原是降低生物质气化气内燃机尾气排放的有效措施。采用AVL BOOST软件对当前应用的生物质气化气内燃机进行模拟计算,优化了8300型生物质气化气内燃机的点火提前角、空燃比两个内燃机参数。
Other AbstractWith rapid increase of worldwide internal combustion engine retain quantity and excess exploitation of petroleum resources that triggers more intense discrepancy between demand and supply of fuel, need for developing fuel replacement energy sources is urgent.. China enjoys abundant resources of combustible gas. Combustible gas, as substitute fuel for internal combustion engine, is a desirable energy source. The development of gas internal combustion engine can not only take full advantage of current energy resources to relieve the pressure of petroleum shortage, but also is capable of supplying electricity to the areas which face a circumstance of electricity deficiency, exerting its strength in the field of distributed energy generation. This paper mainly discuss the status today and the future development trend of gas internal combustion engine, the technical problems and advantages of internal combustion engine development。The influence of biomass gas from gasification to the internal combustion engine is deeply analyzed from the aspect of the components of gas from gasification, the combustion characteristic, the heat value, and the impurity. Given the phenomenon of valve spring fracture frequently of the 8300 gas internal combustion engine in the practical application carefully research of valve train reveals that acceleration change sharply is the main reason. A new cam is designed to overcome the defects of old cam and also to satisfy the request of internal combustion engine fueled with gas from gasification. Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the "national high-tech development plans" ('863 'Plan) support, launched a 5 MW biomass gasification-steam integrated generation combined cycle demonstration project. Experiments were carried out to analyse the aspects of the combustible gas consume rate, exhaust temperature, peak eruption temperature and the emission characteristic smoke, NOx, CO, HC. The experiment suggests that the bad performance of economic and power characteristics is the result of the lower heat value and the excessive components for hindering combustion. the proper air fuel ratio,and enhancement of gas flow in cylinders, and catalyzing are effective ways to lower the gas emissions of internal combustion engine fueled with biomass gas from gasification. Simulation of internal combustion engine fueled with biomass gas from gasification is carried out using the software of AVL BOOST, which optimizes the internal combustion engine parameter of spark advanced angle and air fuel ratio.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
孟凡生. 燃气内燃机用于生物质燃气的试验研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2008.
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