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Alternative TitleThe sol-gel preparation of ITO thin films and investigation of their performance
Thesis Advisor徐刚
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Keyword透明导电氧化物 溶胶-凝胶 透过率 表面电阻
Abstract透明导电薄膜具有透光率高,导电性好,硬度高,红外热反射特性等优点,广泛应用于平板液晶显示器,太阳能电池,触摸屏等不同的光电器件中。目前得到应用的ITO薄膜主要是采用磁控溅射工艺制备的,但成本昂贵。该论文以透明导电热反射薄膜为研究对象,采用制备工艺简单、低成本的溶胶凝胶法制备高质量掺锡氧化铟(ITO)薄膜。 该论文主要工作如下: (1)系统探讨了不同稳定剂的ITO溶胶的稳定性。研究表明,以二乙醇胺为稳定剂的情况下,溶胶的稳定性最好,有利于得到表面均匀的薄膜。 (2)通过DTA-TG, FTIR等分析方法分析了ITO薄膜从不同配位剂的凝胶态向结晶态的转变过程。研究表明,以二乙醇胺为稳定剂情况下,当热处理温度超过409℃时,薄膜的转变过程基本完成,最适合在玻璃基片上制备ITO薄膜。 (3)成功制备了可见光透过率大于80%、表面电阻接近400欧姆的ITO薄膜。 (4)采用化学沉积法制备了ATO/ZnO核-壳结构纳米粒子,分析了该结构的光催化性能。
Other AbstractThe transparent conductive films have some advantages such as high transmittance of light mostly in visible range, low resistivity and high mechanical and chemical stability. They have presented potential applications in various technical areas such as liquid crystal displays, transparent conducting electrodes, solar cells and so on. The most commonly used transparent conductive film is tin doped indium oxide (ITO) thin film by magnetron sputtering, but it is very expensive. Low cost ITO films were developed by sol-gel method in this paper. It includes: (1) The influences of organic ligands, including acetylacetone (AcAc) and diethanolamine (DEA), on the stability of the sols, have been investigated. It is indicated that a suitable amount of DEA is favorable to improve the sol’s stability at a certain doping concentration of tin ions, and helpful for the formation of the homogeneous thin films. (2) Gel-film transformation processes with different organic ligands were studied by TG-DSC and FTIR. It shows that films chelated with DEA had finished the gel-film transformation processes when heat treating temperature was higher than 409℃. So it is suitable for the formation of film on glass substrate. (3) Thin films with transmittance above 80% and sheet resistance about 400 Ohm were successfully fabricated. (4) ATO/ZnO core-shell nanoparticles were synthesized by precipitation method. Their photocatalysis property was studied.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
张英. ITO薄膜的溶胶-凝胶法制备与性能研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2008.
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