GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Alternative TitleExperimental and Computer Simulation on leakage system of carbon dioxide hydrate
Thesis Advisor樊栓狮
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Keyword渗漏系统 二氧化碳 水合物 快速生成
Abstract目前水合物领域的研究热点之一是海底天然气水合物矿藏机理。海底天然气水合物生成过程是海底天然气水合物矿藏机理中关键的一部分,同时也是研究其他天然气水合物应用技术的基础。 作者自行设计、搭建了一套模拟海底渗漏系统天然气水合物快速生成实验系统,该系统利用射流器产生微气泡增大气液接触面积,促进水合物的快速生成,并且通过射流器的自吸功能建立气体循环回路,提高气体的利用率。通过在液体循环回路上设置换热器可以及时把水合物生成过程中所释放的热量及时地排走,避免了不能及时传热对水合物生成速度的影响。实验证明,在高压(2.0~3.5Mpa)低温(1.5~2.5℃)条件下该系统可以在几分钟之内生成天然气水合物。 本文在压力2.0~3.5Mpa,温度为1.5~2.5℃的范围内研究天然气水合物的生成特性,结果表明,2℃和3Mpa条件下,当二氧化碳气体的渗漏通量为0.92mol/s.m2时,二氧化碳水合物生成过程中二氧化碳消耗速度可达到2.03mol/s. m2。 本文应用渗漏系统水合物生长模型对琼东南盆地水合物生长速度和温度进行了计算。本模型建立了水合物/水/气三相体系,通过对体系驱动力和边界条件的分析,对水合物生成速度进行了计算。最后以琼东南盆地为例,通过模型计算水合物生成速度和温度变化。
Other AbstractAt present one of hydrate domain research hot spots is the seabed natural gas hydrate mineral resource mechanism. The seabed natural gas hydrate production process is an essential part of this mechanism and is also the base of other applications of hydrates. An experimental system for Simulating seabed leakage system of high speed formation of natural gas hydrate was set up. An ejector was utilized to produce lots of micro-bubbles, which increase the gas-liquid contact area to promote the formation rate of natural gas hydrate. Furthermore, in order to enhance the gas utilization efficiency, a gas circulation is made by the suction force of the ejector, which makes this system much simpler. A heat exchanger was installed in the water circulation loop to take away the heat released by the formation of gas hydrates in order to eliminate heat transfer’s influence on the hydrate formation rate. The experiments illustrate that gas hydrate can form within several minutes under high-pressured (2.0~3.5Mpa) and low temperature (1.5~2.5℃) condition. The experiments of the characteristics of natural gas hydrate formation were carried out at the pressure range of 2.0~3.5Mpa, temperature range of 274.5-275.5K. The experiment illustrated that, under 2℃ and 3Mpa condition, when the carbon dioxide leakage flux is 0.92mol/s.m2, the carbon dioxide spending speed can reach 2.03mol/s. m2. The author compute the production velocity and temperature of Nanhai southeast basin hydrate by the leakage system hydrate growth model in the article. This model establish the hydrate/water/gas three-phase system,and compute the growth velocity by the analysis of system driving influence and boundary condition.At last, compute the hydrate production velocity and temperature change by the model.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
王玉彬. 渗漏系统二氧化碳水合物生成实验模拟和模型研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2007.
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