GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Alternative TitleResearch of the ZrN based Low-e multilayer coatings
Thesis Advisor徐刚
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
KeywordLow-e薄膜 磁控溅射 透过率 老化
Abstract在建筑节能中,太阳光谱选择性透过Low-e薄膜是现代节能窗技术的重要组成部分,目前世界许多国家都在积极研究工艺简单、成本低廉、性能优良的新型Low-e薄膜。本论文根据的Ⅳ族元素氮化物Low-e薄膜光学性质和磁控溅射技术的原理,在国内外研究发展的基础上,针对Low-e薄膜的发展趋势,开展了射频磁控溅射制备ZrN基Low-e薄膜镀膜玻璃研究。 本课题以射频反应磁控溅射方法作为制备手段,选择Zr为靶材,以N2、O2为反应气体,制备对红外选择透过、可见光较高透过率的ZrO2-ZrN- ZrO2-石英玻璃膜Low-e薄膜,使之具有较好的光谱选择选择性透过和装饰效果,可应用节能窗表面。通过对膜层结构、各层膜厚、负偏压、反应气体分压等工艺条件的调整,成功制备了40nm/40nm/40nm和170nm/40nm/40nm两种ZrO2-ZrN- ZrO2-石英玻璃的膜系。两种膜系光谱选择透过特性良好,均可以作为Low-e薄膜的工作层。从透过率、膜厚、沉膜时间、成膜速率、颜色等方面综合比较了两种膜系,发现40nm/40nm/40nm膜系在光学性能上对可见光-红外透过选择性更强;其颜色等性能更符合美观等要求。 对两种膜系进行了探索性质的老化实验,实验发现两种膜系的热稳定性类似,抗热老化性能差;抗酸腐蚀性(HCl浸泡)都比较好,由于170nm/40nm/40nm膜系氧化物层厚度更大,抗腐蚀性更强。 本论文最后提出了要将这种光谱选择性透过Low-e薄膜推向实用化,实验室需要研究的课题。
Other AbstractFor energy saving in a building, low emission (Low-e) coating on window glass is the important part of modern energy-efficient window technology. At present, many studies around the world are focused on simple fabrication methods, low cost, and good performance of the Low-e films. In this thesis, we investigate the ZrN based Low-e multilayer coating prepared by rf magnetism sputtering, putting the emphasis on the effect of the fabrication conditions as well as thermal aging on the optical performance of the coatings. The multilayer of ZrO2/ZrN/ZrO2 was fabricated on quartz glass, with sputtering Zr metallic target in a mixed atmosphere of N2 +Ar for ZrN and O2+Ar for ZrO2 film. First, fabrication conditions for ZrN film are studied in detail, such as the deposition temperature, gas flow ratio, rf sputtering power, negative bias voltage, and so on. Second, two kinds of multilayers were produced. That is, the layer thickness is 40nm/40nm/40nm and 170nm/40nm/40nm corresponding to the ZrO2/ZrN/ZrO2/glass structure, of which the thickness outer ZrO2 layer was just changed in order to examine its effect on durability of the multilayer during aging test. Both multilayers show good solar selectivity with an appearance of neutral color. Aging tests have been done. It shows that thermal stability of the two multilayers is almost the same, but corrosion resistivity is stronger for the 170nm/40nm/40nm multilayer than the thinner one, due to the thicker outer layer of ZrO2.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
石川. ZrN基低辐射镀膜玻璃研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2007.
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