GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Alternative TitleRelease of NOx precursors during solid waste combustion
Thesis Advisor李海滨
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Keyword固体废弃物 热解 燃烧 Nox前驱体
Abstract由于焚烧法在减容化、无害化和资源化方面有其独特的特点,目前越来越多的国 和地区采用焚烧法来处理垃圾。但如果焚烧条件控制不当会存在烟气污染的的问题,如NOx。本文以废橡胶和废纸为研究对象进行热解实验和燃烧实验,考察NOx前驱体的生成规律。 首先在管式炉中对废橡胶和废纸进行热解实验,考察了反应温度、升温速率等对废橡胶和废纸热解NOx前驱体生成的影响。实验结果表明,废橡胶和废纸热解HCN和NH3的生成量随热解温度的升高而增加,升温速率的提高有助于抑制NH3的生成,而对HCN的生成仅在热解温度比较低时才有抑制作用,当热解温度较高时,升温速率的提高对HCN的抑制作用不大。 然后在管式炉中进行燃烧实验,考察了反应温度、升温速率等对两种原料燃烧NOx前驱体生成的影响。实验结果表明,燃烧过程中NOx前驱体的释放温度明显低于热解过程,即使在实验范围内的最大反应温度下,热解过程中HCN和NH3的释放量也远远低于燃烧过程中700℃条件下的释放量。氧气的存在促进了稳定性较高的含氮杂环的破裂,导致了HCN和NH3产率的增加。在温度更高时,HCN和NH3将进一步被氧化生成NOx。因原料的不同,两种原料燃烧过程中HCN和NH3产率达最大值时所对应的温度不同。
Other AbstractAt present more and more countries and areas use incineration to process MSW, due to its unique characteristic in cobage reduce, detoxification and resource use. But smoke pollution will happen at improper incineration condition, such as NOx. This paper took the waste rubber and waste paper as the subject investigated to carry out pyrolysis experiment and incineration experiment and the formation of NOx precursors is investigated in this process. Firstly, pyrolysis experitment of the waste rubber and the paper was carried out in tubular furnace, and the effect of pyrolysis temperature and heating rate et. on the formation of NOx precursors was investigated. The results show that the waste paper releases more NH3 in pyrolysis than the waste rubber. The emission of HCN and NH3 from the waste rubber and waste paper in pyrolysis rised as the temperature rised. The increase of heating rate help to suppress the formation of NH3, however, to the formation ot HCN, it happens only in low pyrolysis temperature, and in high pyrolysis temperature, its inhibit function is small. Secondly, combustion experiment was carried out in tubular furnace, and the effect of reaction temperation and heating rate et. on the formation of NOx precursors was investigated. It shows that the release temperature of NOx precursors in combustion is obviously lower than that of pyrolysis. Even at the maximum reaction temperature during the pyrolysis experiment, the emission of the HCN and NH3 is by far lower than that at 700 degree in combustion. The existing oxygen promotes the breakage of the more stable nitrogen heterocyclic ring, which increases productivity of the HCN and NH3. HCN and NH3 was oxidized to NOx at higher temperature. The temperature at which the productivity of the HCN and NH3 reach to maximum value in combustion is different because of different raw materials.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
吴远波. 垃圾焚烧过程中NOx前驱体形成研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2007.
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