GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Thesis Advisor黄志成
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源所
Place of Conferral广州能源所
Degree Name硕士
Degree Discipline热能工程
Abstract利用太阳能制冷具有独特的优越性。因为太阳辐射量和制冷需求量在同一季节是相互一致的。太阳能制冷的有效方法是制冰,因为冰贮存了大量的潜热,因此制冰机的体积可以缩小。本论文阐述用于太阳能制冷的固体吸附系统的原理及特性。通过理论分析及实验研究,得出在太阳能所达到的湿度范围内(120 ℃以内)采用具有选择性表面的太阳能平板集热器,使用活性炭+甲醇作制冷循环式质对有良好的COP值。本论文对几种国产的活性炭进行了筛选,并得出CHK-3型活性炭的性能为最佳。本论文设计了一套计算机模拟系统,为今后的研究提供了方便。以理论分析和玻璃实验系统为基础,我们设计制作并运行了用太阳能加热的A. C. +M吸附制冷系统。研究表明,活性炭循环前的除气很重要,另外,循环时加热温度不能超过150 ℃,而且,集热器在夜间必须充分冷却,在白天其冷凝温度不应过高以免影响COP值。
Other AbstractRefrigeration is an attractive application of solar energy. Because both the supply of sunshine and the need for refrigeration reach maximum levels in the same season. One of the very effective form of solar refrigeration is the production of ice. Because ice has accumulated much latent heat in it. So the Volume of ice maker can be small. This paper deals with the principle of adsorption and characteristics of adsorption pairs used in solar refrigeration. Through theoretical analyze and experiments, It shows that in the range of temperatures that can be reached with solar flat plate collectors with selective surface, i.e. up to 120 ℃, Refrigeration cycles using the A.C.-CH_3OH pair have the best cop than those using other pairs. In this paper, we have experimented with several types of A.C. made in China, and Selected type CHK-3 as the best one of all. We have designed a Computer modelling system, It is very convenient for the later research. Based on theoretical analyze and glass experimenting system, we have designed and performed a solar-powered refrigeration system using A.C. +M. as the adsorption pair. It is very important to degas the activated carbon before cycling it, and the heating temperatures of the system can't exceeds 150 ℃, further more, The collectors must be very cooled at night in order to decrease the adsorption temperature and at the day time the cooling temperature of the condenser must be low in order to increase the cop.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
李中付. 太阳能固体吸附制冷系统的理论及实验研究[D]. 广州能源所. 中国科学院广州能源所,1990.
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