GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Thesis Advisor陈勇
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Degree Discipline热能工程
Keyword循环流化床 有机废弃物 热解液化
Abstract固体物物质及废塑料、废轮胎的回收利用具有节能和环保的重要意义,将其热解液化作为油料回收是一个新兴的课题。所谓热解液化是在中温、短时、高加热速率的条件下,将原料直接裂解、冷凝为粗油的热化学过程。鉴于循环流化床(CFB)以其高、无气泡和高生成能力已广泛应用于许多领域,本研究以循环流化床为主反应器,建立了一套集加热、反应、测量和控制于一体的实验装置,并通过小试和中试冷态及热态实验对热解行为的一般机理、循环流化床流体动力学特性、热解液化特性及产物油的品质进行了研究。论文包括六个章节。第一章 引言 本章就固体生物质及废塑料、废轮胎热解液化原理和工艺作了简单的介绍, 对国内外有关研究进行了评述,指出了热解液化潜在的优势及其发展前景。第二章 循环流化床装置 本章主要介绍了本CFB实验装置的设计、主要部件及实验流程。第三章 热解机现的研究 本章通过管式炉小试实验,对热解的一般原理进行了研究,着重考察了热解气的产率和热值的大小、油产率的大小,及其与温度的关系等。第四章 循环流化反应器冷态实验研究 为了考察循环流化床的流体力学特性,为热态实验寻找最佳的操作条件,该冷态实验详细的研究了循环量、操作气速、储料量、吹风量、吹风口位置等运行参数间的关系及物料的影响。第五章 固体生物质的热解液化 在热态实验条件下考察温度、停留时间及加热速率等因素对油产率及其品质的影响,并对油的成份进行了分析。第六章 总结与今后工作展望 对论文进行了全面的总结,提出了今后工作设想。CBF 装置的改进和油品质的改善是以后工作的方向。
Other AbstractThe recovery of biomass, waste platics and tires has important signification for energy conversation and environmental protection, the pyrolysis of these materials for liquids is a new technology. Pyrolysis is thermal degradation either in the complete absence of oxidizing agent or with such a limited supply that gasification does not occur to an appreciable extent or may be describes as partial gasification. Relatively low temperature, high heating rates and short residence time are the perfect reaction conditions. Since the Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) has been successfully used in many fields as an efficient, no bubble and high production capacity reactor, using the CFB as main reactor, we designed and constructed an experiment facility which included the heating, reaction, measurement and control devices. Through the cold and hot tests, we studied on the general mechanism of pyrolysis, the hydrodynamics of CFB, the characteristics of pyrolysis for liquids and the quality of product oil. This thesis consists of 6 chapters: Chapter 1. Preface The mechanism and the technology of pyrolysis for liquids were briefly introduced in this section. The relevant research in this field, the potential dominance and the developing prospect was also reviewed. Chapter 2. Experimental Facility of CFB In this section, the design and main equipment parameters of this CFB facility and the technological process were introduced. Chapter 3. The Study on Mechanism of Pyrolysis The general mechanism of pyrolysis was studied through the basic experiment which focused on the yield and the heat value of pyrolysis gas, the yield of product oil, and the relationships between them and the temperature. Chapter 4. The Cold Test of CFB Reactor In order to study on the hydrodynamics of CFB and provide the optimum operating condition and control methods for hot test, this test focused on he relationships between the solid circulating rate and gas velocity, solid inventory, L valve aeration rate, aeration point and the particle material. Chapter 5. The Biomass Pyrolysis for Liquids How the temperature, residence time and the heating rate affect the yield and the quality of product oil was studied through hot test, the ingredients of the pyrolysis oil was also analysed. Chapter 6. Conclusion and Prospect for Further Work The main results of this paper were concluded and some advises for future research work were given in this chapter. How to improve the CFB facility and upgrade the quality of product oil is the next work.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
戴先文. 循环流化床有机废物热解液化的基础研究[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,1999.
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