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Scattering of linear water waves by a fixed and infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas
Zheng, YH; Shen, YM; You, YG; Wu, BJ; Liu, R
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AbstractThe scattering of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas is investigated. Analytical expressions for the diffracted potentials are derived using the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the expressions are determined through the application of the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces on the structure are given. The calculated results are compared with those obtained by the boundary element method. In addition, the influences of the wall, the angle of wave incidence, the width of the structure, and the distance between the structure and the wall on wave forces are discussed. The method presented here can be easily extended to the study of the diffraction of obliquely incident waves by multiple rectangular structures.
Other AbstractThe scattering of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas is investigated. Analytical expressions for the diffracted potentials are derived using the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the expressions are determined through the application of the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces on the structure are given. The calculated results are compared with those obtained by the boundary element method. In addition, the influences of the wall, the angle of wave incidence, the width of the structure, and the distance between the structure and the wall on wave forces are discussed. The method presented here can be easily extended to the study of the diffraction of obliquely incident waves by multiple rectangular structures.
KeywordSegmented Offshore Breakwaters Diffraction Barriers Cylinder
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology ; Physical Sciences
WOS Subject ExtendedEngineering ; Water Resources
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectEngineering, Civil ; Engineering, Ocean ; Water Resources
WOS IDWOS:000235671700005
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Cited Times:3[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou, Peoples R China
2.Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zheng, YH,Shen, YM,You, YG,et al. Scattering of linear water waves by a fixed and infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas[J]. JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE,2006,132(2):106-113.
APA Zheng, YH,Shen, YM,You, YG,Wu, BJ,&Liu, R.(2006).Scattering of linear water waves by a fixed and infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas.JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE,132(2),106-113.
MLA Zheng, YH,et al."Scattering of linear water waves by a fixed and infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas".JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE 132.2(2006):106-113.
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