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A new criterion number for the boundary conditions at the solid/liquid interface in nanoscale
Li, Yuxiu; Xu, Jinliang
AbstractA simple, but important three-atom model was proposed at the solid/liquid interface, leading to a new criterion number, lambda, governing the boundary conditions (BCs) in nanoscale. The solid wall is considered as the face-centered-cubic (fcc) structure. The fluid is the liquid argon with the well-known LJ potential. Based on the concept, the two micro-systems have the same BCs if they have The same criterion number. The degree of the locking BCs is enhanced when lambda equals to 0.757. Such critical criterion number results in the substantial epitaxial ordering and one, two, or even three liquid layers are locked by the solid wall, depending on the coupling energy scale ratio of the solid and liquid atoms. With deviation from the critical criterion number, the flow approaches the slip BCs and there are little ordering structures within the liquid. Always at the same criterion number, the degree of the slip is decreased or the locking is enhanced with increasing the coupling energy scale ratio of the solid and liquid atoms. The above analysis is well confirmed by the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The slip length is well correlated in terms of the new criterion number. The future work is suggested to extend the present theory for other microstructures of the solid wall atoms and quasi-LJ potentials.
Other AbstractA simple, but important three-atom model was proposed at the solid/liquid interface, leading to a new criterion number, lambda, governing the boundary conditions (BCs) in nanoscale. The solid wall is considered as the face-centered-cubic (fcc) structure. The fluid is the liquid argon with the well-known LJ potential. Based on the concept, the two micro-systems have the same BCs if they have The same criterion number. The degree of the locking BCs is enhanced when lambda equals to 0.757. Such critical criterion number results in the substantial epitaxial ordering and one, two, or even three liquid layers are locked by the solid wall, depending on the coupling energy scale ratio of the solid and liquid atoms. With deviation from the critical criterion number, the flow approaches the slip BCs and there are little ordering structures within the liquid. Always at the same criterion number, the degree of the slip is decreased or the locking is enhanced with increasing the coupling energy scale ratio of the solid and liquid atoms. The above analysis is well confirmed by the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The slip length is well correlated in terms of the new criterion number. The future work is suggested to extend the present theory for other microstructures of the solid wall atoms and quasi-LJ potentials.
KeywordBoundary Conditions Three-atom-model Criterion Number Epitaxial Ordering Structure Slip Length
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedThermodynamics ; Engineering ; Science & Technology - Other Topics ; Materials Science ; Physics
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectThermodynamics ; Engineering, Mechanical ; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology ; Materials Science, Characterization & Testing ; Physics, Applied
WOS IDWOS:000237888700003
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Cited Times:4[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Grad Sch, Beijing, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li, Yuxiu,Xu, Jinliang. A new criterion number for the boundary conditions at the solid/liquid interface in nanoscale[J]. NANOSCALE AND MICROSCALE THERMOPHYSICAL ENGINEERING,2006,10(2):109-141.
APA Li, Yuxiu,&Xu, Jinliang.(2006).A new criterion number for the boundary conditions at the solid/liquid interface in nanoscale.NANOSCALE AND MICROSCALE THERMOPHYSICAL ENGINEERING,10(2),109-141.
MLA Li, Yuxiu,et al."A new criterion number for the boundary conditions at the solid/liquid interface in nanoscale".NANOSCALE AND MICROSCALE THERMOPHYSICAL ENGINEERING 10.2(2006):109-141.
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