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Rhodococcus qingshengii sp nov., a carbendazim-degrading bacterium
Xu JL (Xu, Jing-Liang); He J (He, Jian); Wang ZC (Wang, Zhi-Chun); Wang K (Wang, Kun); Li WJ (Li, Wen-Jun); Tang SK (Tang, Shu-Kun); Li SP (Li, Shun-Peng)
Volume57Issue:Part 12Pages:2754-2757
Other AbstractA Gram-positive, aerobic, non-motile, mesophilic strain, djl-6(T), able to degrade carbendazim, was isolated from a carbendazim-contaminated soil sample from Jiangsu province, China. The taxonomic position of this isolate was analysed by using a polyphasic approach. Chemotaxonomic analysis including peptidoglycan type, diagnostic sugar composition, fatty acid profile, menaquinones, polar lipids and mycolic acids showed that the characteristics of strain djl-6(T) were in good agreement with those of the genus Rhodococcus. DNA-DNA hybridization showed that it had low genomic relatedness with Rhodococcus baikonurensis DSM 44587(T) (31.8%), Rhodococcus erythropolis DSM 43066(T) (23.8%) and Rhodococcus globerulus DSM 43954(T) (117.7%), the three type strains to which strain djl-6(T) was most closely related based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis (99.78, 99.25 and 98.91% similarity, respectively). Based on the phenotypic properties and DNA-DNA hybridization data, strain djl-6(T) (=CGMCC 1.6580(T) =KCTC 19205(T)) is proposed as the type strain of a novel Rhodococcus species, Rhodococcus qingshengii sp. nov.
KeywordNocardia Identification Actinomycete Extraction Soil Dna
Indexed BySCI+EI
Document Type期刊论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu JL ,He J ,Wang ZC ,et al. Rhodococcus qingshengii sp nov., a carbendazim-degrading bacterium[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY,2007,57(Part 12):2754-2757.
APA Xu JL .,He J .,Wang ZC .,Wang K .,Li WJ .,...&Li SP .(2007).Rhodococcus qingshengii sp nov., a carbendazim-degrading bacterium.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY,57(Part 12),2754-2757.
MLA Xu JL ,et al."Rhodococcus qingshengii sp nov., a carbendazim-degrading bacterium".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 57.Part 12(2007):2754-2757.
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