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Production and characterization of biodiesel from tung oil
Park, JY; Kim, DK; Wang, ZM; Lu, PM; Park, SC; Lee, JS
Other AbstractThe feasibility of biodiesel production from tung oil was investigated. The esterification reaction of the free fatty acids of tung oil was performed using Amberlyst-15. Optimal molar ratio of methanol to oil was determined to be 7.5:1, and Amberlyst-15 was 20.8wt% of oil by response surface methodology. Under these reaction conditions, the acid value of tung oil was reduced to 0.72mg KOH/g. In the range of the molar equivalents of methanol to oil under 5, the esterification was strongly affected by the amount of methanol but not the catalyst. When the molar ratio of methanol to oil was 4.1:1 and Amberlyst-15 was 29.8wt% of the oil, the acid value decreased to 0.85mg KOH/g. After the transesterification reaction of pretreated tung oil, the purity of tung biodiesel was 90.2wt%. The high viscosity of crude tung oil decreased to 9.8mm(2)/s at 40 degrees C. Because of the presence of eleostearic acid, which is a main component of tung oil, the oxidation stability as determined by the Rancimat method was very low, 0.5h, but the cold filter plugging point, -11 degrees C, was good. The distillation process did not improve the fatty acid methyl ester content and the viscosity.
KeywordBiodiesel Eleostearic Acid Esterification By Amberlyst-15 Fuel Properties Response Surface Methodology Tung Oil Linolenic Acid Esterification Optimization Esters Fuel
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Document Type期刊论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Park, JY,Kim, DK,Wang, ZM,et al. Production and characterization of biodiesel from tung oil[J]. APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2008,148(1/3):109-117.
APA Park, JY,Kim, DK,Wang, ZM,Lu, PM,Park, SC,&Lee, JS.(2008).Production and characterization of biodiesel from tung oil.APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,148(1/3),109-117.
MLA Park, JY,et al."Production and characterization of biodiesel from tung oil".APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 148.1/3(2008):109-117.
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