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Development of a self-thermal insulation miniature combustor
Jiang, L. Q.; Zhao, D. Q.; Wang, X. H.; Yang, W. B.
AbstractA novel miniature cylindrical combustor, whose chamber wall is made of porous material, has been designed and experimented for reducing heat loss and enhancing flame stability. The combustor has the function of reducing wall heat loss, extending residence time and avoiding radical chemical quenching with a self-thermal insulation concept in which heat loss reduction is obtained by the opposite flow directions between thermal energy transfer and mass flow. The methane/air mixture flames formed in the chamber are blue and tubular in shape. Between the flames and the porous wall, there is a thin unburned film that plays a significant role in reducing the flames' heat loss and keeping the flames stable. The porous wall temperature was 150-400 degrees C when the temperatures of the flames and exhaust gas were more than 1200 degrees C. When the equivalence ratio phi < 1.0, the methane conversion ratio was above 95%; the combustion efficiency was near 90%; and the overall sidewall heat loss was less than 15% in the 1.53 cm(3) chamber. Moreover, its combustion efficiency is stable in a wider combustion load (input power) range. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Other AbstractA novel miniature cylindrical combustor, whose chamber wall is made of porous material, has been designed and experimented for reducing heat loss and enhancing flame stability. The combustor has the function of reducing wall heat loss, extending residence time and avoiding radical chemical quenching with a self-thermal insulation concept in which heat loss reduction is obtained by the opposite flow directions between thermal energy transfer and mass flow. The methane/air mixture flames formed in the chamber are blue and tubular in shape. Between the flames and the porous wall, there is a thin unburned film that plays a significant role in reducing the flames' heat loss and keeping the flames stable. The porous wall temperature was 150-400 degrees C when the temperatures of the flames and exhaust gas were more than 1200 degrees C. When the equivalence ratio phi < 1.0, the methane conversion ratio was above 95%; the combustion efficiency was near 90%; and the overall sidewall heat loss was less than 15% in the 1.53 cm(3) chamber. Moreover, its combustion efficiency is stable in a wider combustion load (input power) range.
KeywordMiniature Combustor Heat Loss Self-thermal Insulation Porous Wall
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedThermodynamics ; Energy & Fuels ; Mechanics ; Physics
Indexed BySCI
Funding OrganizationNational Natural Science Foundation of China [NSFC.50476089]; Chinese-Japanese Cooperative Programme (NSFC-JST) [50721140651]; Key Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China [06104525]
WOS SubjectThermodynamics ; Energy & Fuels ; Mechanics ; Physics, Nuclear
WOS IDWOS:000265370600021
Citation statistics
Cited Times:54[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
AffiliationCAS, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Jiang, L. Q.,Zhao, D. Q.,Wang, X. H.,et al. Development of a self-thermal insulation miniature combustor[J]. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2009,50(5):1308-1313.
APA Jiang, L. Q.,Zhao, D. Q.,Wang, X. H.,&Yang, W. B..(2009).Development of a self-thermal insulation miniature combustor.ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,50(5),1308-1313.
MLA Jiang, L. Q.,et al."Development of a self-thermal insulation miniature combustor".ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 50.5(2009):1308-1313.
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