Chemical looping gasification of sewage sludge using copper slag modified by NiO as an oxygen carrier
Dong, Nanhang1; Huo, Ruiqiang1,2; Liu, Ming1,2; Deng, Lisheng2,3; Deng, Zhengbing4; Chang, Guozhang5; Huang, Zhen2,6; Huang, Hongyu2,3
Corresponding AuthorHuang, Zhen(
AbstractChemical looping gasification (CLG) provides a novel approach to dispose the sewage sludge. In order to improve the reactivity of the calcined copper slag, NiO modification is considered as one of the good solutions. The copper slag calcined at 1100 degrees C doped with 20 wt% NiO (Ni20-CS) was used as an oxygen carrier (OC) in sludge CLG in the work. The modification of NiO can evidently enhance the reactivity of copper slag to promote the sludge conversion, especially for sludge char conversion. The carbon conversion and valid gas yield (V-g) increase from 67.02% and 0.23 m(3).kg(-1) using the original OC to 78.34% and 0.29 m(3).kg(-1) using the Ni20-CS OC, respectively. The increase of equivalent coefficient (Omega) facilitates the sludge conversion and a suitable Omega value is determined at 0.47 to obtain the highest valid gas yield (0.29m(3).kg(-1)). A suitable steam content is assigned at 27.22% to obtain the maximum carbon conversion of 87.09%, where an acceptable LHV of 12.63 MJ.m(-3) and V-g of 0.39 m(3).kg(-1) are obtained. Although the reactivity of Ni20-CS OC gradually decreases with the increase in cycle numbers because of the generation of NiFe2O4- (delta) species, the deposition of sludge ash containing many metallic elements is beneficial to the sludge conversion. As a result, the carbon conversion shows a slight uptrend with the increase of cycle numbers in sludge CLG. It indicates that the Ni20-CS sample is a good OC for sludge CLG. (C) 2020 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
KeywordChemical looping gasification (CLG) Copper slag NiO Sludge Oxygen carrier (OC)
Indexed BySCI
Funding ProjectNational Natural Science Foundation of China[51776210] ; National Key Research and Development Program of China[2018YFB0605405] ; Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)[GML2019ZD0108] ; DNL Cooperation Fund CAS[DNL180205] ; Foundation of State Key Laboratory of High-efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green Chemical Engineering[2018-K15] ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS[2018384]
WOS Research AreaEngineering
Funding OrganizationNational Natural Science Foundation of China ; National Key Research and Development Program of China ; Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) ; DNL Cooperation Fund CAS ; Foundation of State Key Laboratory of High-efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green Chemical Engineering ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS
WOS SubjectEngineering, Chemical
WOS IDWOS:000636564100040
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Cited Times:16[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorHuang, Zhen
Affiliation1.Northeast Elect Power Univ, Sch Energy & Power Engn, Jilin 132012, Jilin, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Key Lab Renewable Energy, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
3.Southern Marine Sci & Engn Guangdong Lab Guangzho, Guangzhou 511458, Peoples R China
4.China United Engn Corp Ltd, Hangzhou 310052, Peoples R China
5.Ningxia Univ, State Key Lab High Efficiency Utilizat Coal & Gre, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, Peoples R China
6.Chinese Acad Sci, Dalian Natl Lab Clean Energy, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China
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GB/T 7714
Dong, Nanhang,Huo, Ruiqiang,Liu, Ming,et al. Chemical looping gasification of sewage sludge using copper slag modified by NiO as an oxygen carrier[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2021,29(1):335-343.
APA Dong, Nanhang.,Huo, Ruiqiang.,Liu, Ming.,Deng, Lisheng.,Deng, Zhengbing.,...&Huang, Hongyu.(2021).Chemical looping gasification of sewage sludge using copper slag modified by NiO as an oxygen carrier.CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,29(1),335-343.
MLA Dong, Nanhang,et al."Chemical looping gasification of sewage sludge using copper slag modified by NiO as an oxygen carrier".CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 29.1(2021):335-343.
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