GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Alternative TitleExperimental Study on an Innovative Hybrid Solar Heat Pump System for Tea Drying
姚远1,2,3,4; 廉永旺1,2,3; 王显龙1,2,3; 陈颖4
Source Publication新能源进展
Other AbstractAn innovative hybrid solar heat pump drying system is presented in this paper.For the dual loop solar water subsystem,the parabolic trough solar collectors with optimized structure was employed.For heat pump subsystem,a new type of heat pump working fluid was used,which can produce hot air of85oC to90oC.This system can realize three kindsof working modes,including solar energy alone drying,heat pump alone drying and hybrid solar heat pump drying.An experimental study on the three working modes was carried out,respectively.The results show that under the same conditions,the power consumption for solar alone drying mode is the lowest,while the energy consumption for heat pump alone drying mode and hybrid mode is almost the same.Solar drying alone working mode can save more than50%energy than the other two modes.
Keyword太阳能集热器 热泵 干燥 节能 solar collector heat pump drying energy conservation
Citation statistics
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding Author陈颖
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
姚远,廉永旺,王显龙,等. 太阳能-热泵联合茶叶烘焙装置的创新设计与实验研究[J]. 新能源进展,2017,5(1):47-55.
APA 姚远,廉永旺,王显龙,&陈颖.(2017).太阳能-热泵联合茶叶烘焙装置的创新设计与实验研究.新能源进展,5(1),47-55.
MLA 姚远,et al."太阳能-热泵联合茶叶烘焙装置的创新设计与实验研究".新能源进展 5.1(2017):47-55.
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