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Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene/Bacterial Cellulose Composites: Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene as a Compatilizer
Wang, Bo1,2; Zhang, Hai-Rong2,3; Huang, Chao2,3; Xiong, Lian2,3; Luo, Jun4; Chen, Xin-De2,3
Source PublicationPOLYMER-KOREA
AbstractTo improve the mechanical performance of isotactic polypropylene (iPP), the iPP/bacterial cellulose (BC) composites were prepared. The tensile and impact strength of the composites were maximized (38.21 MPa and 2.812 KJ/m(2)) when maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (MAPP) content was 7 wt%, the tensile modulus was increased with the higher MAPP content and the maximum value was 1858.39 MPa. Compared with pure iPP, the tensile strength, impact strength and tensile modulus increased by 6.32 MPa, 0.75 KJ/m(2), and 279.68 MPa, respectively. Compared with the control group (the sample which added BC but no MAPP added), the tensile strength, impact strength and tensile modulus increased by 5.61 MPa, 0.692 KJ/m(2), and 11.24 MPa, respectively. Moreover, the elongation at break of the composites was decreased. Besides, the rheological results and SEM photographs indicated that with the addition of MAPP, the compatibility of the composites was improved greatly, which demonstrated the increase of the mechanical properties of the composites.
KeywordBacterial Cellulose Isotactic Polypropylene Mechanical And Rheological Properties Compatibility
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences
WOS Subject ExtendedPolymer Science
Indexed BySCI
Funding OrganizationCAS Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy(Y707k91001) ; Doctoral startup project of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology(20162013) ; Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province(201601D102011)
WOS SubjectPolymer Science
WOS IDWOS:000402777900012
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Cited Times:6[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Taiyuan Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Chem & Biol Technol, Taiyuan 030001, Peoples R China
2.CAS Key Lab Renewable Energy, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, R&D Ctr Xuyi Attapulgite Appl Technol, Xuyi 211700, Peoples R China
4.Guangzhou Fibre Prod Testing & Res Inst, Guangzhou 510220, Guangdong, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang, Bo,Zhang, Hai-Rong,Huang, Chao,et al. Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene/Bacterial Cellulose Composites: Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene as a Compatilizer[J]. POLYMER-KOREA,2017,41(3):460-464.
APA Wang, Bo,Zhang, Hai-Rong,Huang, Chao,Xiong, Lian,Luo, Jun,&Chen, Xin-De.(2017).Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene/Bacterial Cellulose Composites: Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene as a Compatilizer.POLYMER-KOREA,41(3),460-464.
MLA Wang, Bo,et al."Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene/Bacterial Cellulose Composites: Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene as a Compatilizer".POLYMER-KOREA 41.3(2017):460-464.
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