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Modelling of ammonia combustion characteristics at preheating combustion: NO formation analysis
Li, Jun1; Huang, Hongyu2; Yuan, Haoran2; Zeng, Tao3; Yagami, Masayoshi3; Kobayashi, Noriyuki3
AbstractIn order to improve the combustion characteristics and flame stability of NH3-air flame, preheating the reactants at different temperature was proposed in this study. We focused on the formation of NO at NH3 preheated combustion because NH3 is a typical fuel-nitrogen. The NO formation characteristics of premixed NH3-air mixtures at various preheating temperatures of the reactants were numerically analysed. The Miller and Bowman mechanism was applied in the numerically calculation of all species. The results show that the formation reaction rates of thermal NO from N + O-2 -> NO + O, and N + OH -> NO + H increase with the increase of preheating temperatures of the reactants at fuel lean condition. Higher decomposition reaction rate of N + NO -> N-2 + O at stoichiometric condition finally results in a lower formation of NO comparing to that at fuel lean condition. At fuel rich condition, the reactions of NH2 + NO -> N-2 + H2O, NH + NO -> NNH + OH have grate effect on the decomposition of NO at all preheating temperatures of the reactants, which results in an extremely low formation of NO, showing a potential for reducing NO formation in NH3 combustion.
KeywordAmmonia Preheating Combustion No Formation No Formation Pathway
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Life Sciences & Biomedicine
WOS Subject ExtendedEnvironmental Sciences & Ecology
Indexed BySCI
Funding OrganizationChina Scholarship Council (C.S.C.)
WOS SubjectEnvironmental Sciences
WOS IDWOS:000389720600013
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Cited Times:9[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Nagoya Univ, Dept Chem Engn, Nagoya, Aichi 4648603, Japan
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
3.Nagoya Univ, Dept Chem Engn, Nagoya, Aichi 4648603, Japan
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li, Jun,Huang, Hongyu,Yuan, Haoran,et al. Modelling of ammonia combustion characteristics at preheating combustion: NO formation analysis[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL WARMING,2016,10(1-3):230-241.
APA Li, Jun,Huang, Hongyu,Yuan, Haoran,Zeng, Tao,Yagami, Masayoshi,&Kobayashi, Noriyuki.(2016).Modelling of ammonia combustion characteristics at preheating combustion: NO formation analysis.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL WARMING,10(1-3),230-241.
MLA Li, Jun,et al."Modelling of ammonia combustion characteristics at preheating combustion: NO formation analysis".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL WARMING 10.1-3(2016):230-241.
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