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Connection Technology of HPTO Type WECs and DC Nano Grid in Island
Wang Kun-lin1,2; Tian Lian-fang1; You Ya-ge2; Wang Xiao-hong1; Sheng Song-wei2; Zhang Ya-qun2; Ye Yin2
AbstractWave energy fluctuating a great deal endangers the security of power grid especially micro grid in island. A DC nano grid supported by batteries is proposed to smooth the output power of wave energy converters (WECs). Thus, renewable energy converters connected to DC grid is a new subject. The characteristics of WECs are very important to the connection technology of HPTO type WECs and DC nano grid. Hydraulic power take-off system (HPTO) is the core unit of the largest category of WECs, with the functions of supplying suitable damping for a WEC to absorb wave energy, and converting captured wave energy to electricity. The HPTO is divided into a hydraulic energy storage system (HESS) and a hydraulic power generation system (HPGS). A primary numerical model for the HPGS is established in this paper. Three important basic characteristics of the HPGS are deduced, which reveal how the generator load determines the HPGS rotation rate. Therefore, the connector of HPTO type WEC and DC nano grid would be an uncontrollable rectifier with high reliability, also would be a controllable power converter with high efficiency, such as interleaved boost converter-IBC. The research shows that it is very flexible to connect to DC nano grid for WECs, but bypass resistance loads are indispensable for the security of WECs.
KeywordWave Energy Converter Hydraulic Power Take-off Hydraulic Power Generation System Interleaved Boost Converter Nano Grid
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology ; Physical Sciences
WOS Subject ExtendedEngineering ; Water Resources
Indexed BySCI
Funding OrganizationNatural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(2015A030313717) ; Chinese Ocean Renewable Energy Special Fund(GHME2013ZB01 ; Renewable Energy Key Laboratory 2013 Annual Fund of the Academy of Sciences of China(y407j71001) ; GHME2013GC01 ; GHME2010GC01)
WOS SubjectEngineering, Civil ; Engineering, Ocean ; Engineering, Mechanical ; Water Resources
WOS IDWOS:000384734800007
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Cited Times:2[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.South China Univ Technol, Coll Automat Sci & Engn, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang Kun-lin,Tian Lian-fang,You Ya-ge,et al. Connection Technology of HPTO Type WECs and DC Nano Grid in Island[J]. CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,2016,30(4):581-590.
APA Wang Kun-lin.,Tian Lian-fang.,You Ya-ge.,Wang Xiao-hong.,Sheng Song-wei.,...&Ye Yin.(2016).Connection Technology of HPTO Type WECs and DC Nano Grid in Island.CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,30(4),581-590.
MLA Wang Kun-lin,et al."Connection Technology of HPTO Type WECs and DC Nano Grid in Island".CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING 30.4(2016):581-590.
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