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Numerical simulation of gas production potential from permafrost hydrate deposits by huff and puff method in a single horizontal well in Qilian Mountain, Qinghai province
Li, Xiao-Sen; Li, Bo; Li, Gang; Yang, Bo
Source PublicationENERGY
AbstractBased on the geological data of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau permafrost, such as the permafrost ground temperature, the thermal gradient within and below the frozen layer, we numerically investigate the gas production potential from hydrates at the DK-3 drilling site of the Qilian Mountain permafrost, which is located in the north of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. We employ the huff and puff method using a single horizontal well in the middle of the Hydrate-Bearing Layer (HBL). The simulation results indicate that desirable gas-to-water ratio and energy efficiency can be obtained under suitable injection and production conditions in the huff and puff process. However, the absolute gas production rate remains low during the whole production process. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the gas production performance is strongly dependent on the intrinsic permeability of the hydrate deposits, the sediment porosity, the injection and production rates, the temperature of the injected water, the irreducible water saturation and P-01. The relative permeability exponents appear to have limited effect on the gas production behavior using the huff and puff method. The sensitivity analysis also indicates that the production potential of the natural gas hydrate deposit will be better than that of pure methane hydrate in this simulation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
KeywordGas Hydrate Huff And Puff Cyclic Steam Stimulation Horizontal Well Qilian Mountain Permafrost
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedThermodynamics ; Energy & Fuels
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectThermodynamics ; Energy & Fuels
WOS IDWOS:000303146000008
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Cited Times:88[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
AffiliationChinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Renewable Energy & Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510640, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li, Xiao-Sen,Li, Bo,Li, Gang,et al. Numerical simulation of gas production potential from permafrost hydrate deposits by huff and puff method in a single horizontal well in Qilian Mountain, Qinghai province[J]. ENERGY,2012,40(1):59-75.
APA Li, Xiao-Sen,Li, Bo,Li, Gang,&Yang, Bo.(2012).Numerical simulation of gas production potential from permafrost hydrate deposits by huff and puff method in a single horizontal well in Qilian Mountain, Qinghai province.ENERGY,40(1),59-75.
MLA Li, Xiao-Sen,et al."Numerical simulation of gas production potential from permafrost hydrate deposits by huff and puff method in a single horizontal well in Qilian Mountain, Qinghai province".ENERGY 40.1(2012):59-75.
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