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Unsteady flow phenomenon in a heated microchannel at high heat fluxes
Xu, JL; Zhou, JJ; Gan, YH; Chen, Y
AbstractAn experimental study was performed on the unsteady flow phenomena of the two-phase flow in a single microchannel with the inside diameter of 500 mum. Depending on the inlet liquid temperature, two types of unsteady flow were identified. The first type is the long period/large amplitude liquid/two-phase alternative flow, occurring at the liquid temperature of the water tank of 100degreesC. It behaves the large amplitude oscillations of fluid/wall temperatures and mass flux which have clear switch points from: liquid to two phase flow with a relative long section of the two phase flow between them. It is conformed such that slow transition flow can be self-sustained with the feedback control of the mass flux and the entrance liquid temperature of the microchannel, incorporating the system geometry, dimensions, and the microchannel itself. The second type of unsteady flow appears when the liquid temperature of the water tank varying from room to 80degreesC, is named as the long period/small amplitude periodic subcooled flow boiling. The outlet temperature displays the positive signal pulse periodically, followed by negative pressure drop signal pulse. The flow is indicated to exhibit the liquid/two-phase alternative flow with a short section of boiling and bubble emission between them. The oscillation time period can be up to 50 sec at heat flux just beyond the boiling incipience, and is in the range of 5 to 10 sec at high heat flux approaching the critical heat flux. For a given pressure drop and inlet liquid temperature, the mean mass flux only has a slight decrease with increasing the heat flux after the boiling incipience, providing the evidence that the periodic flow possesses a short section of two-phase flow for a full cycle.
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedThermodynamics ; Engineering
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectThermodynamics ; Engineering, Mechanical
WOS IDWOS:000223999900004
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Cited Times:8[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
AffiliationChinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510070, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu, JL,Zhou, JJ,Gan, YH,et al. Unsteady flow phenomenon in a heated microchannel at high heat fluxes[J]. EXPERIMENTAL HEAT TRANSFER,2004,17(4):299-319.
APA Xu, JL,Zhou, JJ,Gan, YH,&Chen, Y.(2004).Unsteady flow phenomenon in a heated microchannel at high heat fluxes.EXPERIMENTAL HEAT TRANSFER,17(4),299-319.
MLA Xu, JL,et al."Unsteady flow phenomenon in a heated microchannel at high heat fluxes".EXPERIMENTAL HEAT TRANSFER 17.4(2004):299-319.
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