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Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid argon flow at platinum surfaces
Xu, JL; Zhou, ZQ
AbstractThe micro Poiseuille flow for liquid argon flowing in a nanoscale channel formed by two solid walls was studied in the present paper. The solid wall material was selected as platinum, which has well established interaction potential. We consider the intermolecular force not only among the liquid argon molecules, but also between the liquid argon atoms and the solid wall particles, therefore three regions, i.e. the liquid argon computation domain, the top and bottom solid wall regions are included for the force interaction. The present MD (Molecular Dynamics) simulation was performed without any assumptions at the wall surface. The objective of the study is to find how the flow and the slip boundaries at the wall surface are affected by the applied gravity force, or the shear rate. The MD simulations are performed in a non-dimensional unit system, with the periodic boundary conditions applied except in the channel height direction. Once the steady state is reached, the macroscopic parameters are evaluated using the statistical mechanics approach. For all the cases tested numerically in the present paper, slip boundaries occur, and such slip velocity at the stationary wall surface increases with increasing the applied gravity force, or the shear rate. The slip length, which is defined as the distance that the liquid particles shall travel beyond the wall surfaces to reach the same velocity as the wall surface, sharply decreases at small shear rate, then slightly decreases with increasing the applied shear rate. We observe that the liquid viscosity remains nearly constant at small shear rates, and the Newtonian flow occurs. However, with increasing the shear rate, the viscosity increases and the non-Newtonian flow appears.
KeywordMolecular Dynamics Simulation Poiseuille Flow Velocity Profile Slip Length Viscosity
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedThermodynamics ; Mechanics
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectThermodynamics ; Mechanics
WOS IDWOS:000224513300006
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Cited Times:49[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
AffiliationChinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510070, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu, JL,Zhou, ZQ. Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid argon flow at platinum surfaces[J]. HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2004,40(11):859-869.
APA Xu, JL,&Zhou, ZQ.(2004).Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid argon flow at platinum surfaces.HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,40(11),859-869.
MLA Xu, JL,et al."Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid argon flow at platinum surfaces".HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 40.11(2004):859-869.
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