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Biomass air-steam gasification in a fluidized bed to produce hydrogen-rich gas
Lv, PM; Chang, J; Xiong, ZH; Huang, HT; Wu, CZ; Chen, Y; Zhu, JX
Source PublicationENERGY & FUELS
AbstractThe characteristics of biomass air-steam gasification in a fluidized bed for hydrogen-rich gas production are studied through a series of experiments. The gasifying agent, air, was supplied into the reactor from the lower part of the reactor, and steam was added into the reactor above the biomass feeding location. The effects of reactor temperature, steam-to-biomass ratio, equivalence ratio ER, and the biomass particle size on gas composition and hydrogen production are investigated. From the experimental results, it can be seen that the higher reactor temperature, the proper ER, proper steam-to-biomass ratio SIB, and smaller biomass particle size will contribute to more hydrogen production. The highest hydrogen yield, 71 g H-2/kg biomass (wet basis), was achieved at a reactor temperature of 900degreesC, ER of 0.22, and SIB of 2.70. It is shown that under proper operating parameters biomass air-steam gasification in a fluidized bed is one effective way for hydrogen-rich gas production.
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering, Chemical
WOS IDWOS:000183089500023
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Cited Times:97[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510070, Peoples R China
2.Univ Western Ontario, Dept Chem & Biochem Engn, London, ON N6A 5B9, Canada
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Lv, PM,Chang, J,Xiong, ZH,et al. Biomass air-steam gasification in a fluidized bed to produce hydrogen-rich gas[J]. ENERGY & FUELS,2003,17(3):677-682.
APA Lv, PM.,Chang, J.,Xiong, ZH.,Huang, HT.,Wu, CZ.,...&Zhu, JX.(2003).Biomass air-steam gasification in a fluidized bed to produce hydrogen-rich gas.ENERGY & FUELS,17(3),677-682.
MLA Lv, PM,et al."Biomass air-steam gasification in a fluidized bed to produce hydrogen-rich gas".ENERGY & FUELS 17.3(2003):677-682.
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