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A photocatalytic reaction kinetics model based on electrical double layer theory(I) - Surface complexation model at TiO2/water interface
Li, XJ; Li, FB; He, MX; Wang, LY; Xu, YH; Huang, C
AbstractThe kinetics of photocatalysis can be usually described by Langmiur-Hinshelwood adsorption expression. The adsorption can be greatly influenced by the surface properties of photocatalyst. Triple layer model (TLM) was chosen to describe the surface adsorption of TiO2 based on electrical double layer (EDL) theory at the TiO2/water interface. And through the potentiometric titration the parameters of TLM were determined by the extrapolation method and Fiteql3.1 software. The results show that surface complexation dominates the surface charge and the numerical calculation fits the experiment data satisfactorily.
KeywordTio2 Photocatalysis Model Adsorption
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedMetallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Indexed ByISTP ; SCI
WOS SubjectMetallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
WOS IDWOS:000177317200047
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Cited Times:3[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510070, Peoples R China
2.Guangdong Inst Eco Environm & Soil Sci, Guangdong Key Lab Agr Environm Pollut Integrated, Guangzhou 510650, Peoples R China
3.Panzhihua Inst Iron & Steel, Panzhihua 617067, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Li, XJ,Li, FB,He, MX,et al. A photocatalytic reaction kinetics model based on electrical double layer theory(I) - Surface complexation model at TiO2/water interface[J]. TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA,2002,12(4):792-797.
APA Li, XJ,Li, FB,He, MX,Wang, LY,Xu, YH,&Huang, C.(2002).A photocatalytic reaction kinetics model based on electrical double layer theory(I) - Surface complexation model at TiO2/water interface.TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA,12(4),792-797.
MLA Li, XJ,et al."A photocatalytic reaction kinetics model based on electrical double layer theory(I) - Surface complexation model at TiO2/water interface".TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 12.4(2002):792-797.
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