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Formation process and fractal growth model of HCFC-141b refrigerant gas hydrate
Zhao, YL; Guo, KH; Liang, D; Fan, SS; Liu, XC; Shu, BF; Ge, XS; Liu, Y
AbstractThe microscopic visualization experiment on the formation process of HCFC-141b refrigerant gas hydrate has been investigated, and the morphological photos of hydrate formation process have been obtained. The results show that gas hydrate originally nucleated on the interface of refrigerant HCFC-141b and water under the condition of supercooling, then the hydrate grows continually due to the inducement of formed nucleation and diffusion of refrigerant. The formation of gas hydrate presents an arboreous phenomenon. The fractal dimension of the hydrate formation morphology on different stages was calculated. The calculating results indicate that the initial stage of the hydrate formation belongs to fractal growth, and the dimension is about 1.52. Based on the fractal theory, an RIN-DLA (random inducement nucleation-diffusion limited aggregation) model for the HCFC-141b hydrate growth was developed. The hydrate growth process was simulated with the developed model, and the fractal dimension for the simulated morphology is well compared with that from the experiment.
KeywordRefrigerant Gas Hydrate Formation Process Fractal Growth Dimension Rin-dla Model
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Physical Sciences
WOS Subject ExtendedChemistry
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectChemistry, Multidisciplinary
WOS IDWOS:000175009000014
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Cited Times:11[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Guangzhou 510070, Peoples R China
2.Univ Sci & Technol China, Hefei 430070, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Zhao, YL,Guo, KH,Liang, D,et al. Formation process and fractal growth model of HCFC-141b refrigerant gas hydrate[J]. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY,2002,45(2):216-224.
APA Zhao, YL.,Guo, KH.,Liang, D.,Fan, SS.,Liu, XC.,...&Liu, Y.(2002).Formation process and fractal growth model of HCFC-141b refrigerant gas hydrate.SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY,45(2),216-224.
MLA Zhao, YL,et al."Formation process and fractal growth model of HCFC-141b refrigerant gas hydrate".SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY 45.2(2002):216-224.
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