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Step-change flow rate liquid hot water pretreatment of sweet sorghum bagasse for enhancement of total sugars recovery
Yu, Qiang1,2; Zhuang, Xinshu1; Yuan, Zhenhong1; Wang, Wen1,2; Qi, Wei1; Wang, Qiong1; Tan, Xuesong1
Source PublicationAPPLIED ENERGY
AbstractA step-change flow rate liquid hot water (SCFLHW) process was developed with the objective of improving the total sugars recovery including xylose and glucose from sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB). Total xylose yield increased from 60% for batch system (4.25% w/v, 18 min, 184 degrees C) to about 80% at an initial flow rate of 20 ml/min for 8 min, followed by a rate of 10 ml/min for 10 min. It was hypothesized that the flowing water could enhance the mass transfer and improves the sugars recovery. Although little lignin was removed, the 72 h enzymatic digestibility of treated sample was enhanced by the increase of flow rate. The lignin droplet redeposited on the surface of residual solids might play a crucial role in determining the enzymatic digestibility. The total recovery of sugars from SSB, after the pretreatment (first with the flow rate of 20 ml/min for 8 min, then 10 ml/min for 10 min) and 72 h enzymatic digestion, reached 83.7%, which is superior to the recovery using the SO2-steam pretreatment or ammonia fiber expansion. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
KeywordSweet Sorghum Bagasse Liquid Hot Water Sugar Recovery Lignin Enzymatic Hydrolysis
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Technology
WOS Subject ExtendedEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectEnergy & Fuels ; Engineering, Chemical
WOS IDWOS:000289497400020
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Cited Times:52[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Key Lab Renewable Energy & Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Grad Sch, Beijing 100039, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Yu, Qiang,Zhuang, Xinshu,Yuan, Zhenhong,et al. Step-change flow rate liquid hot water pretreatment of sweet sorghum bagasse for enhancement of total sugars recovery[J]. APPLIED ENERGY,2011,88(7):2472-2479.
APA Yu, Qiang.,Zhuang, Xinshu.,Yuan, Zhenhong.,Wang, Wen.,Qi, Wei.,...&Tan, Xuesong.(2011).Step-change flow rate liquid hot water pretreatment of sweet sorghum bagasse for enhancement of total sugars recovery.APPLIED ENERGY,88(7),2472-2479.
MLA Yu, Qiang,et al."Step-change flow rate liquid hot water pretreatment of sweet sorghum bagasse for enhancement of total sugars recovery".APPLIED ENERGY 88.7(2011):2472-2479.
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